Prostate Cancer - To Biopsy or not biopsy! ( or MRI scan)

Hi Simon, Sounds like you have received top dollar care, advice and treatment in Toulouse. May I ask a question please: did you have a biopsy first or scan ? Was it an mpmri and did it include a contract agent? For me this is the current issue - scan first or biopsy. At the moment my consultant will not refer me for a scan before the biopsy.

I think I might move to Toulouse. Thanks Les

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Hi Les - I’ve just been looking at my online DMP and in fact I had 2 scans before my biopsy - the first was in fact an MRI-multiparametric (sorry I hadn’t realised that until now!!) with injection of Ioméron 350. The second was a full body TDM. I’d already had an echographie and x-rays prior to the scans.

I also had a cystoscopy at the same time as the biopsy which was 4 days after the scans.

Happy to give you details of my lead consultant if you need them !

Thanks Simon. At last I have found someone in france who has had a mpMRI and before a biopsy! That type of scan with contrast is what everyone should be considering or at least to understand if an alternative scan is being suggested or none at all. Thanks for the information - all really interesting.Les

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Interesting article-


Thanks Stella for posting that report. Its very relevant. I said I would share the result of my mpmri that I had about a week ago. It revealed a suspicious area that will require a targetted TRUS biopsy in a few weeks time. It was interesting to hear from the consulant who felt that given the position of this area of concern it might have easily been missed on my previuos biopsy. So the above article is making real sense to me ie to have a mpMRI scan first after PSI testing then if necessary to have the biopsy. In my case the reader of the scan has indicted a 30% chance that it could be cancerous. I am so pleased I opted for the scan first and feel if there are issues it will be early enough to resolve. Hopefully it will not be cancancous - fingers crossed. Les


Les - good luck with the next biopsy. :hugs:

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Thanks for the update Les and fingers crossed for your results!!

Anamacap France (equivalent of Prostate Cancer UK) posted an interesting article on their FB page today about the first second of the first 2 integrated MRI / Radiotherapy machines installed in France - first was in Marseille followed by Montpellier.

Essentially precision scanning and treatment all-in-one!

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What an interesting development Simon. However I hope to avoid being one of its first users!

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Hello Les

Simon Armstrong has asked me to let you have an update as he is no longer a member of this forum.

He asked me to tell you that he has had his 6 monthly PSA test and all is well. He has now been cancer-free for 3 years and has been celebrating with the odd glass of wine. He also wants to wish you all the best for your upcoming biopsy.

He also wants to remind all the boys to go and get their PSA checked. So just do it, no excuses!!

Hopefully he will back at some point to continue helping everyone out with support and advice.


That is such good news, long may he continue getting the all clear!


It really is wonderful news. I’m so pleased for him and his wife and family.

He has contributed so much to this forum, particularly in terms of advice and support for cancer sufferers, so I hope he will be back.

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I’m really glad he has got such good news.

Cancer in one form or another, touches most of us and/or our families and friends - thus we can understand the immense sense of relief he is experiencing. :hugs:

Phew - come on Boys !! Get Tested - it’s not rocket science :relaxed::relaxed::thinking::zipper_mouth_face:

Hi Mandy, Thanks for passing on the message from Simon. It is really encouraging to hear that news.
Ive had my targetted biopsy now and will receive the result next week. Whatever the result I now feel confident that with the benefit of the mpMRI and the biopsy I can accept whatever comes next.

Simon really does deserve a pat of the back as he has shared what many blokes find so diffiult to discuss. He has certainly encouraged me to open up and share experiences.



In my opinion, the most important battle against Cancer - is getting folk to take that first step… to get themselves tested.

Having folk talk openly, admitting to the fear, describing the tests and the procedures etc etc which may well follow - that really does encourage many to take that first step.

I’m pleased that he has helped you and I will pass that on to him.

I hope your results are good and that you will be able to share your good news here.

If you want to contact Simon he is on Facebook and I know he would be more than happy for you to get in touch with him.

All the best for next week Les. I will be thinking of you.

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Hi Mandy
Great news from Simon, I’ve got my ordnance for everything, Inc PSA, just need to organise it…I know…
I must admit, I am missing our trio of Simon, Ann and Nellie - hope they can come back soon.


He will be so pleased you have got that sorted. Now you need to organise the test. No time like the present!!

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I’ve been having the test regularly for the past 10 years, so far so good :crossed_fingers:

Brilliant. Let’s hope the good news continues for you.

Cancer is something I’m very aware of. My friend died of bile duct cancer at the age of just 32 and my Dad died of bladder cancer at just 63… 6 weeks apart. It was devastating as you can imagine.

Everyone should make sure they take advantage of all screening available whether that’s the PSA test, poo testing for bowel cancer, mammograms and smear tests etc.

Just received my biopsy result after having a mpMRI and then a targeted biopsy. Good news overall. What was found was no worse then previously identified one year ago ie Gleason 6 meaning very early stage, slow glowing and non aggressive. That means, for me, no treatment but continue on active surveillance. Quite a relief and again demonstrates the need to check early and not wait. My cancer is contented and manageable.
From my experience the advice I would now pass on is to try to ensure that if you are to have a scan make sure it is an mpMRI ( with at least Tesla 3). The first scan I had did not pick up this new area. The tesla 3 mri will ensure best clarity and , if an area of interest is identified( as in my case) a targetted biospy ( rather than a hit or miss biopsy) will follow. If no area of interest is found you might not need a biopsy at all. As ever every case by definition will be unique I will continue to have 3 monthly PSA tests and see my consultant once every 6 months.

With some relief I will be having a glass or two tonight!