Protocol: Final Signing Acte de Vente

Don’t do what I did. I had hired an interpreter for the process, an Englishman in Lourdes. After the formalities had finished , I invited everyone involved up to the nearest bar where I bought everyone a drink of their choosing to celebrate . No problem, except at the end when the interprater added another 50 euro to his bill for time spent at the pub. I was too gob smacked to argue


That is AWFUL what a complete creep, name and shame. UGH.


The guy who sold us this is lovely but he tuned up in typical french country uniform. Blue workpants a demob suit jacket and a cap. His wife the blue crimplene dress that plauges french eomen of a crtain age. If not chiffon if you feel inclined . A pack of British biscuits go down a treat .wine is a no go area. Enjoy your home. Its a bit of a culture shock but in indre we hit the 20th century this year which was a relief

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Omg it takes some kind of nerve to be that rude!!!