Quality wine

Coincidental Grauniad article yesterday on not being put off / intimidated by ‘no knowledge of wine’, for what it’s worth - encouragement?

Jim has such a sabre and our neighbour has the certificate.
We only do it with cheap bottles of fizz and from our terrace where the cork can fly safely into the garden.

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Thanks for all your excellent suggestions, much food for thought!
Apparently they think a case of wine is an excellent idea and like their wines red full and fruity such as Merlot. So I would welcome any suggestions and I have until April to get them, hopefully we can try a few ourselves

I love the “black wines” from Cahors - really dark reds, and so rich. Really pack a punch. I drink very little and I think that’s why I love this wine so much - every mouthful is a joy. Someone who drinks more may find them somewhat overpowering.

Laithwaites sell a lot of what they call “black reds”, from various countries. I’m not suggesting you buy from them, but if @SuePJ’s idea tickles your fancy their website would be a good place for suggestions. I thoink Avery’s do the same.