Rats or mice or something else in the roof!

Same for us - old ultrasonic plug in left by previous owner did not seem to have an effect. I ordered some new ones and they do seem to have had a positive effect.

“However I’m always amazed that the first thought for many people is to kill!
You kill a rodent & it goes outside to die. It’s eaten by an owl - it dies. The owl is eaten by a fox - it dies and on and on.”

Not all dispatching of animals is by use of poison. The trouble with amateur use of baits is all that writing on the box is ignored therefore incorrect use of bait and incorrect removal of cadavres (throwing into fields) is a regular occurance.

Professional and qualified pest controllers have been lobbying the EU government for years to prevent the sale of rodenticides to “amateurs” but the big bricolage and supermarchĂ©s have voted aginst it because it’s profit to them.

Correct use of rodenticides the risk to the environment is minimal. The rodent rarely dies on the surface, therefore secondary contamination is minimal.

People don’t seem to realise that releasing a live-caught rodent is far less humane.

Correct use of rodenticide are a good tool in the [begloved] hands of a professional. Incorrect use by people wih no training and can’t be bothered to read the backet is bad!