Re opening

I was set to start taking bookings for our b&b from tomorrow, but a freind told me that there are many new rules in place following the lifting of some of the lockdown restrictions.
I must admit to having taken my eye off the ball doing renovation work so am not up to speed with any new requirements. Can anyone please point me in the direction to where I might find the info I need.

Hi Geoff, you may find this link useful. It’s a booklet put out by the various tourist authorities.

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The one Sue has linked is the most useful. It’s what we have based our new practices on.

Me too Jane. Not least because it is fairly straightforward and gives specific instructions.

I belong to another gite & B&B owners forum and there is concern that there are not cleaning and disinfecting protocols to follow in various countries, so I did an English translation of our French guidance. I’ve put it into google documents if anyone is interested to see it - I must say it’s helped me. I speak some French, but it’s that bit easier to have it all in my native tongue! Here it is …

I’ve used google translate so please excuse some of the English

The French approach is very prescriptive, so I’m using it as a very thorough checklist but also adapting it to suit my needs. For example it recommends not using a vacuum cleaner because it “aerosols” the virus. But I have to use a vacuum for bed bases, mattresses etc. So I am just going to use the vacuum early in the week (I have at least a week between each booking) and then let the virus settle and at the end of the cleaning every surface will be disinfected.

Another thought about the French protocol, which is they say remove all open condiments etc. In fact I’m asking my guests to either dispose of in the rubbish all opened bottles they’ve used while staying (or take them back home) and not to leave anything “for the next guests” eg part-used shampoo, odd tubs of yogurt in the fridge, etc.

We normally provide the basics - oil, vinegar, flour, sugar, etc etc as well as tea and coffee and jams/honey. The tea and coffee we can swap to individual sachets, and the jam/honey are home made so quite small jars, but the rest is more difficult. I’m wondering about giving people a list to say what they want and then decanting into small containers.

What are others doing?

In 23 yrs i have never provided any basics except loorolls and cleaning products. I ask if you need anything let me know.

We do basically because we get so fed up when on holiday ourselves have to buy a kg of flour just because, for example, we want to make a white sauce one night. And if only going away for a week it’s a pain to have to take a great box of basics with you. People seem to appreciate it.


Normally we are generous with what we provide but this year I am going to be very cautious. If the container cannot be cleaned and disinfected then it won’t be in the cottage.
I’ve just been down and cleared out non-essential items - shower gel, citronella candles, couple of spare chairs, lace runners along the dressing tables, small ornaments, small occasional tables, small baskets etc where I normally put spare plug adapters, mosquito zappers, USB hubs. The adapters and USB hubs are now in sockets.
Tomorrow all the books and two book cases will come out. I’ve decided to take out the DVDs but if I have time I will make a list of what we’ve got, then if guests want to choose a few I’ll put those back (easy enough to clean just a few). The cottage is going to look a little spartan, so I’m putting up another couple of pictures. I’m also not removing cushions or throws - the cushions have covers that I can wash between guests. I’m also leaving bathrobes because again I want to give some feel of comfort and again they can be washed easily enough with the towels.
I’ve also decided stuff can stay in the garden, it’s either plastic or metal furniture and it will be in the sun throughout July and August and that should zap most things. The furniture round the pool will get cleaned every morning when we do the pool. The cushions for the loungers fortunately all have removable covers so they will be washed between guests. I want again to be able to give some feeling of comfort. I’m lucky, I can decide what I can/can’t do. I feel sorry for those of you who are managing places on behalf of others.

My chemist sells gel Hydroalcoolique by the litre I’m going to put it into smaller bottles and offer it to clients free if they don’t bring their own.

Yes, I agree Anne. I have also bought packs of masks. Apart from anything else I have a selfish interest here to protect myself as well as them as I will be cleaning the cottage after they have gone, so I want them to stay well!
I’ve already emailed them to reassure that we have always been a green zone and that we will be taking great care in cleaning and disinfecting the cottage. Then nearer the time I will be describing in detail what I will be doing and what I will be asking of them.

Clients are meant to leave their shoes outside trying to think what to put them incase it rains.
Huge plastic box with lid maybe ? There isn’t a porch. A bin bag is a bit basic !!

We used to leave our shoes , upside down, perched on sticks… outside the tents… when we went camping…
no matter what the weather… even during snow. :crazy_face:

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I’ve made a big batch from isopropyl alcohol and aloe vera gel… the guidelines suggest providing gel, masks and gloves. I just so hate disposable gloves!

I’m not convinced by gloves having been advised by our vet (who knows about the need for hygiene!) that gloves cause complacency and as soon as the glove touches a surface and moves to another there’s the possibility for cross-contamination. She favours frequent hand cleansing except for specific events (eg she wears gloves when she sticks her hand up our dog’s bum, but then throws the gloves away immediately ).


Hi Anne, where are you getting the info that guests must leave their shoes outside? I haven’t noticed that.

Hi Sue I read it on an attachment that was pages long that someone put on this site from an official tourism body.

Sue remember it’s not a must it’s like all the rest a recomendation !

Hi Anne, it was me who posted the English version - see above. It’s not our guests who have to remove shoes, it’s US, (or our cleaner) when we are preparing the gite for our visitors.
Alternatively, you can wear disposible overshoes (like they do in crime scenes on TV!)
So no need to worry about getting something for your guests.

Ok Sue thanks.