Reconfinement; here we go again/Macron /Castex et al

I will have to print out one as I have a root canal on Tuesday!

Nigel, I’m a commerçant not a copper, there are 5 other tabacs in town so although I have a go or tell them to stay outside (and we do the deal on the pavement) I need to sell stuff to stay in business!


I don’t suppose this affects many here, but we think the ‘universities’ in the ‘closed’ column is slightly misleading. A far as we can make out students will be going back after toussaint, the halls of residence will be open as normal, and although all possible teaching/activities will be done online, others (eg. science practicals) will take place as normal.

A friend phoned to tell me how busy the roads are, bumper to bumper, a 45 min journey to the hospital took 90 mins. She also popped into Grand Frais and most of the produce was sold out!

I did a last minute top up of fresh produce and some meat. We are still good on tins, pasta, LOOPAPER :relaxed: and chocolates.
Should be OK until the ‘shopping’ issue is resolved.

Does anyone have a link to the new attestations? We’ll be walking the dogs first thing tomorrow and it would be just my luck if we were nicked for not having the right bit of paper . (Haven’t seen the Gendarmarie in the village since the last lockdown!)

No - they are shut as in us teachers cannot go on site to work.

All on the new covid app :slight_smile:

16-10-2020-attestation-de-deplacement-derogatoire.pdf (29.0 KB) :wink:

the correct one :wink:

This looks like an old one? There isn’t the category for buying food, or for returning to your principal residence
both of which I will need to do im next couple of days!

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You need to eat?!!!


Bugger!!! Sorry, got so many on the computor, this is the latest:

16-10-2020-attestation-de-deplacement-derogatoire.pdf (29.0 KB)

Thanks for pointing that out, Jane :wink:

That has the date of 16th October
 it is the 29th October today so probably not the latest

Castex said earlier that we’re using that of the first confinement and I’ve downloaded it direct from the government site and if I remember correctly the date on teh dĂ©rogation refers to the dĂ©cret for the emergency state :wink:

Ha ha, now they’re just making a mess of things

18:54 - L’attestation dĂ©rogatoire n’est toujours pas disponible

Contrairement Ă  ce qu’a annoncĂ© Jean Castex, l’attestation dĂ©rogatoire n’est toujours pas disponible. “Les attestations de dĂ©placements seront disponibles sur ce site Ă  partir du 30 octobre”, peut-on lire sur le site du gouvernement.

Let’s see what they produce tomorrow


The first confinement was in March

“en application de l’article 3 du dĂ©cret du 23 mars 2020 prescirant les mesures gĂ©nĂ©rales nĂ©cessaires pour faire face Ă  l’épidemie de C ovid19 dans le cadre de l’état d’urgence sanitaire.”

Yes, Stella, they’ve simply updated it giving the latest dĂ©cret. Just checked the government site and it’s still the downloadable attestation: the one we’re meant to be using according to the government site (and the one I’m selling in the shop). So ignore my previous post!

Still waiting for my Mairie to take a decision whether tomorrows market (one of the biggest in the région) is maintained or not!

Signing off now, closing the shop and going home :smiley:


I think this is the latest one. I have just downloaded it

No, this is still the couvre-feu attestation where we all starve to death. The site itself says it has not yet been updated.

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This is what I had downloaded. The date is 30/10/2020