Registering for Orange landline voicemail

Hello Everyone

This is my first post on SFN. We have recently taken out a contract for a fixed telephone line and internet with orange. All is going smoothly so far, but we have an issue getting our voicemails. We know the number is 3103 to pick up, but when we do this there is a message , I think, asking us to register, or do something, before we can pick the voicemails up. Does anyone know the process or are we doing something wrong! thank you

Dial 3103 and you can disable it in the menu I think, or change the ring length to longer than your own machine

Hi does anyone know how to turn off the automatic answer phone service provided by Orange? we have a phone with a built in answerphone but obviously never get any messages as they all go to orange

Shirley, if they changed Orange to 'Headscratchers International' it would be fine by me. It is not just we dumbo foreigners but it amazes most of our French friends just how incompetent Orange are and that anything works at all!

Thanks Brian. I am going to call the English helpline today. John

Thanks for your help Shirley. I am going to ring the English helpline today. John

Shirley about said it. It depends entirely on your phone. Incidentally, we got rid of our landline to have the internet phone only with the existing number from the landline. We saw no pint in having two lines as one does when they have internet, we have 'free' calls to a number of countries so bingo. The voicemails work well enough BUT when we changed to the internet phone only it was at least two months before it was functional, even with the right phone.

I had a problem with my Voicemail and after a bit of searching around I found the instructions for setting it online providing you are using a VOIP connection (i.e. it comes through your modem)

Instructions for setting number of rings before going to Voicemail

The instructions are in French but fairly easy to understand or if you are using the Chrome browser you can right click on your mouse and get it translated to English.

Hope it helps


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Brian - thank you for this! It might be 2 years later but your link helped me today!

You are welcome, glad it still works.

@John_Robert_forsyth, I had exacty the same. Fearing it was something to do with setting a greeting message I kept just hanging up :wink: I did not want it to record my profanities as the welcom message…

I am trying to remember exacty what I did, but I did it all online. Orange do have English language version for most of the web site. Log on to your client space (you may need to create that) to manage it.

Sorry I cannot be more specific at the moment. If I wake in the middle of night, rememebering what I did, I will post it here. As I will if I remember any other time, too. You can also listen to your messages online, which I find rather neat.