Request to those who wish to debate politics

You keep asking this as if you are missing some big secret, perhaps because people keep joking about it, a quick search of “discourse the lounge” or something would likely have helped. Here’s Discourse themselves explaining it in a tweet. A standard, and rarely used function of Discourse where a category ‘the lounge’ is created and only available to users of Trust Level 3 or above, so the most dedicated long term members. Every discourse forum has it built in. The idea being that only regular long term users who are logged in can access it, and so anything that is not necessarily wanted to be publicly seen by all whether logged in or not, is put there. I’ve never seen any forum I’ve been involved with that uses Discourse actually use ‘The Lounge’ in any real way as it rather defeats the object of an open forum, but for example one forum I am on uses The Lounge as a space for investors. Disclosures that the business may not want public yet are posted in The Lounge for just that group to see.

I have found that on Stack (which uses different software) but not on Discourse based fora.

Why? Surely you are not seriously advocating that threads need to stay within tight parameters ? And that posters should only post positively ?


Are you saying we cannot have one positive thread?

@Lizzie1 - if you are not happy with the way the site is run please DM either @james or myself. @billybutcher kindly helps out with the ‘admin’ side of moderation but James and I make all final calls. So please direct your comments at one of us. I hope this has cleared things up for you.


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there is one…

That’s not what I said. Read what I wrote.

That wasn’t aimed @BillyButcher it was just a general observation

And Cat has just told me that we shouldn’t have to only post positively, so that’s an out. :grinning:

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On this, by the way - and for those in search of deeper insight - I believe the Channel 4 documentary is still available on All4 (if you have VPN).

Don’t think for a minute the ban was merely sexism - it turned more in fact on the women’s support (including financial) for striking miners, in the febrile post-war and post-russian-revolution atmosphere.
Women were “becoming part of a political movement, and football was a representation of that” - as that dangerous leftie Clare Balding commented…

I posted there about the kestrels nesting in our gable wall - but I mitigated the cheerfulness by also mentioning that they had killed the grass underneath the nest, so I think I got away with it.


That happens in The Lodge which is just for TL4 members :wink:


Good grief, what a foot stamping post, a Violet Elizabeth moment David? :face_with_hand_over_mouth: While everyone’s input should be treated with due respect, swanning on here with no track record of contribution and laying down the law according to David is probably not going to elicit a strong positive response.

I’m actually a bit fed up with whinging, to coin a phrase, too.


I’ve always thought that there were two aspects to SF; the advice aspect that now has many years of invaluable accumulated knowledge within existing threads, plus the benefit of the opinions of the many current contributors who really know their onions.

The other aspect is social and can be great fun. We have Stella’s no bad news thread :slightly_smiling_face:, which every one respects and anyone can follow her lead with their own “no bad news” threads, if they wish.

I tend to post stuff that I fear people might have missed, because IMO the only reasons the many shyster politicians, anywhere, get away with it is lack of focus and voters collective short memory. I have to admit, since I retired and and have actually had the time to look at what these clowns are up to it has appalled me.

As I’ve said before, I will not be offended if anybody wants to mute me, but as long as the owners of the site deem my ramblings and other contributors’ political comments acceptable, I’d appreciate it if those that don’t, or who are not interested, stop whinging :roll_eyes: It’s groundhog day :slightly_smiling_face:


Finally…. :roll_eyes: I think the site is really well moderated :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t you mean

I’m going to start using that with everyone I speak to now, both online and in person. Instructing people to take note seems like the key to winning friends and influencing people.


Note taken :joy:

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The idea that women’s football is substantially political is ultimately part of the sickness of the Left because it is simply a ploy for control by the brainwashed. The result leads to the East German perspective of using athletics as a political weapon, where athletes are drugged and used and slung away or become mistresses of the like of Putin and Caesescu.

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But it is no longer the Left that is heading in the direction of Putin - Russia has so much control of the Conservative Government having paid their way to control the direction.