Responsibility for electricity lines and overhanging trees

I WILL put up a picture of me very soon - sorry!

We have quite a long area of land which adjoins the road (a D road), alongside which run the electricity and phone lines.

Trees overhang the road and are currently leaning against the cables. We are removing those (dead) trees - but are we responsible for doing this, especially when the fauchagists show considerable enthusiasm in cutting back and thus killing some trees?

I guess we are responsible unless we have a servitude showing otherwise - but I'm sure someone can clarify for us!

That's REALLY useful David, thank you v much for finding and sharing. We have some rather tall cedars to the side of our house, which we know were planted in 1918 - before the electrickery cables which run fairly close to them went up.

One less thing for my wife to worry about!

Some useful information here.

I have some highish tension lines running over my property and along the edge there are telephone and ordinary 240V lines serving the homes nearby. ERDF checks regularly that there are no trees that will damage their lines and if they feel that a bit of pruning is necessary will send in a 'Giraffe' to do the job. been here 7 years now and the 'Giraffe' has visited us once, the Cherry picker has also visited us once to lightly prune the trees on the road.

Our local commune occasionally sends a team down a Voie Communal that is on one of our boundaries and not only cuts the bank back but also attends to overhanging branches.

I have insurance to cover damage caused by my trees. I have never had to pay for any visits from the Tree trimmers wherever they may come from, and in one case I was unhappy that one tree was deadish at the top and the guy came back with a longer tool and cut it out !!!

If the trees are on your property then strictly speaking yes. If not then either the commune or whoever's property they are on. But if in doubt check at the Mairie!