Road Rage in Dordogne

I think you SHOULD have resisted.

I am afraid its part of the world of driving these days. The problem is these nut cases are the ones who wind up killing themselves and other's on the road. If you have a webcam it makes life easier if an incident needs reporting or goes to court. The best thing is to put down this unfortunate incident to experience .

I don't encounter much road rage around here, but there are a fair number of drivers, particularly the elderly, who seem not to have a clue about what's happening around them.

I invested in a dash camera a little while ago, which would have been very useful in your case. It automatically starts with the ignition, and records in high resolution all your journeys, conversations in the car, and, because it receives information via satellite, it also records your exact position, date, time and your speed. Although it hasn't been necessary to use it "in anger" just yet, it does have other benefits and is well worth the price.

Martha what a nasty experience, I hope you have recovered. I too experienced road rage, not as bad as you. I was driving south on the A20 autoroute from Limoges. Just after the junction for Carrefour the speed limit increases to 130 kph. The road goes downhill from that point and I increased my speed and entered the outer lane to overtake a group of Spanish trucks in convoy which happened to be behind two Dutch caravans; so there was quite a long stretch before I could re-enter the inside lane. There was no one behind me at first, but within a few moments a French car came up behind me at a speed greater than mine, and although he must have seen my predicament, insisted on tailgating me, flashing his lights, and blowing his horn. He was dangerously close for about a kilometre of motorway with me maintaining the speed limit. As the road went up the hill, I was able to re-enter the inside lane, which I did. The car behind accelerated alongside me and the driver was shouting and waving his fist. I waved him on, and he sped off. Shortly afterwards I was turning onto a slip road, and as soon as he saw my signal he swerved dangerously at the last minute to take the same slip road. He drove to the top, stopped and parked at an angle across the road, got out and began walking back towards me, so I stopped about 60-70 metres from his car. We locked the doors and kept the windows shut. The man came up to my window, banged on the window and shouted and gesticulated. By this stage several other cars were trying to leave the autoroute at this slip road, and one or two began blowing their horns. He waved his fist at them, shouted at them and stomped off back to his car, and took off burning rubber! I guess I should have followed the advice you have been given of talking to the gendarmes. I didn’t because I feared a long drawn out inconclusive action, but with the wisdom of hindsight I think I was wrong. So Martha, I would support those who say to you to report it!

get a proper car that can travel at a normal traffic speed and then you wont get bullied on the road by the other cars !

it sounds like you were the ugly duckling ........

sorry couldnt resist !


(I second all that you said Veronique!!!)

I'm sure the gendarmes will be helpful, it isn't in anybody's interest to have anyone behaving like that! Having the photograph of her car will be a big help. Bon courage again.

I had thought about it and thank you for your encouragement. I will try, now that you say it is possible. Thank you very much.

Make a statement to the Gendarmes - they may well try to fob you off, saying there's no point seeing nobody is physically injured, but stick to your guns and insist on their taking your statement - she is clearly a loony and neither you nor anybody else deserves to be threatened like that. And you shouldn't have to drive about feeling vulnerable in the future. Point out to the Gendarmes that she is a danger public (for all you know she is known to them already). Bon courage.