Roe v Wade



This is the danger of rule by legal interpretation. Congress never passed a law enshrining the right to abortion. Also the danger of a politicised judiciary. Beware, France and UK!


That’s how society - the same society whose members are now lamenting the overturning of Roe v Wade - has chosen to behave.

I think the point is that those most lamenting the overturning of Roe v Wade are also those that would like more support for children and single mothers - eg. a proper welfare state - wheras those that want to take away women’s rights also oppose a decent welfare state.


In America , perhaps - but the same people also want to allow everyone to have a gun, so they’re hardly logical. Whereas orthodox Christianity would preclude any need* for abortion, while providing for the bringing up of children in a stable environment.

It’s ironic, isn’t it, that separation of church and state leads to what we see in America?

  • Perhaps apart from when the mother’s life was in danger.

What’s your point exactly ?


That’s where we’re talking about :slightly_smiling_face:

I doubt it. Nature finds ways etc etc. And that’s when people behave as they should.
There may be theoretical separation of church and state in the US but there is a shocking amount of religious interference in public life, religious interference which demonstrates that most of its publicly vociferous adherents with their ostentatious performative religion are simply what the Bible calls whited sepulchres.
I greatly prefer the OT to the NT but Matthew is bang on there.

risk their life in a backstreet… or, doing it (or trying to do it) themselves.

There were enough awful stories of this in the old days.


Yes, terrible and so much death infection fear and misery all round.


I read that so called ‘Trigger Laws’ have been blocked by state judges in both Louisiana and Utah.

Only on a technicality though unfortunately. The states will be able to fix this pretty quicky through thier legislatures.

I wasn’t aware until last week that there are several active ‘anti-abortion’ groups in the UK who protest outside abortion clinics and campaign at universities, the decision in the US will certainly aid their cause.

They have been at it for years, in the US they also bomb clinics and attack people who work there.

Same in the UK. There are a few places that have put in places buffer zones, but still no national legislation. Women have to run the gauntlet of chanting, prayers and photos of foeti/foetuses to access many clinics. My elderly sister got a police warning for loosing her temper at a bunch of protestors and trying to prevent them being too close.

Article here

first of all, No contraceptive is 100% effective!!! condoms break, but even if u didn’t use any protection and made a bad call on a drunk night and had unprotected sex, that doesn’t justify the government forcing women to carry and care for a child for life… !!!
It’s about having the right of autonomy over your own body!
It’s about controlling women and our rights.
funny how most pro-life people, talking about the sanctity of life, are strong supporters of the second Amendment and guns… They have no problems of killing full grown-up people, with guns ( or kids as we saw in Uvalde). But removing the
non-sentiouen composition of cells is murder. Such hypocrisy makes me sick.


So are you saying I support the second amendment and am a hypocrite?

For some people, it might be. I think most of us in Europe view what is happening in America - massive polarisation of views, preventing civilised debate or any possibility of unity - with a mixture of horror and alarm.

But asserting that abortion is none of society’s business (slogans like “My body, my right, my choice”) is self-evidently incorrect, because we have laws about it. It’s an important issue, but too many people - on both sides, perhaps - want to close down any discussion.

If ‘you’ are anti abortion and pro guns, then yes.

(Obviously I have no idea if you personally are!)