Royal photo withdrawn

Well by definition a malicious troll is a) malicious and b) a troll - so, no, I don’t expect that they will.

I have to say though Charles and Kate seem to have spectacularly bad luck - the best doctors in the country and not one, but two “surprise” cancers picked up during treatment for something else :thinking:

I sincerely hope that all the recent know-it-alls who were busy with their malicious gossip will just disappear into the mire where they dwell.

To criticise the mother of a young family who is in the fight of her life, is not only immoral and insensitive. This is a time for anti monarchists to just shut up.


I am sure they would tissue typed and learnt the DNA for how aggressive it is, the fact Kate is now on chemo would suggest its an aggresive type.

Certainly she deserves privacy and space at this difficult time in her life, William and the Kids to as well.

Ah, less sure about that.

Cancer is always bad luck. Some cancers are quite insidious and only discovered by chance.

Let us hope that there is luck in having found the cancers in both patients early enough that they can be thoroughly knocked out by modern medicine.

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Of course, it’s just that two in the same family under similar circumstances leads one to wonder if Kensington Palace are being economical with the véracité.

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Probably no need. Cancer is becomingly frighteningly common. This just brings that family, in spite of all the perceived advantages, in the luck stakes along with the rest of the populace.

I have had 5 close friends survive cancer and chemo therapy. One brain cancer, two leukaemia. In UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. Same process in each country, albeit only UK was public healthcare. Medical progress is accelerating and prognoses are getting better and better!


It’s not the fact that Charles and Kate have had a cancer at the same time. As you say that’s pure bad luck - it’s the fact that, in a family where every symptom is probably investigated to the nth degree, their medical team has concluded that significant treatment is needed, in Kate’s case major abdominal surgery, without spotting the presence of any cancer until the lab gets hold of what was taken out.

As Flemming said “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action” - let’s hope (and pray if you are that way inclined) that they don’t get a third cancer in their family but I’d still suggest there is more than “coincidence” in the way these cancers were discovered (i.e I suspect that possibly Charles and probably Kate knew it was cancer before their surgery).

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1:2 thats why I couldnt understand the later panick and brain bashing daily BS about covid.

Being anti-monarchist doesn’t make you pro cancer. Monarchy is an anachronism.
Cancer is a bstrd and none of us are immune.
The criticism of a mother’s photoshopped image of her and here children was weird. Royals or not. It could simply have been down post op low self-esteem.
Charles’s sausage fingers on the other hand…priceless.


My brother in law Frank was diagnosed a week ago. I only found out yesterday. He’s now in palliative care in a hospice. He probably has about 2 weeks to live. The doctors arent 100% sure where it started, but it spread throughout his body before it was diagnosed. It’s been a terrible few years for his wife, my sister. They lost their only child at the age of 32 three years ago, then our mother two years ago, and how her husband. She’s also blind, and she relied on her husband for many things.
Ain’t life a bitch.


I come back to what I said previously this has been an absolute PR disaster. Everyone in the comms team at Kensington Palace should be immediately sacked. Well, they should have been some time ago, but I cannot imagine anyone in the public eye enduring this nonsense and not cleaning house. Terrible and had they even shown the slightest bit of competence the last few months could have been entirely avoided, none of the speculation, none of the conspiracy, just a narrative that brings the nation along with this woman during her trying time. The main issue with royal PR for decades is that they’ve thought that having the right wing press under their thumb is good enough but that’s absolutely not how the world has worked for 25 years.


What terrible misfortune, life can be so unfair.

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Why do you say that?
I was supposed to have an abscess when I had breast cancer nd the nodules in my lungs had been there for over fifteen years.
I had even had a lung puncture and an onchologist had said that she did not think I had cancer.
Even my lung specialist thought I had something rare, but not malignant.
It is not unusual for cancer to be found post operatively, but in my case it was only after surgical biopsies beforehand.
I have given permission for my tissue to be used for research.


More of a public overreaction to create a storm in a teacup. At issue was a very sweet montage photo of a fairly well publicly loved young family. HRH is not a professional photographer but a mother putting her best foot forward. The public scrutiny and invective has been OTT.

I expect the Palace system may now be encouraging a more personal approach by younger members of the royal family, and therefore not scrutinising or editing so heavily. They may well not have noticed the Photoshop anomalies, as the media initially didn’t when publishing.

In the end, the story is about a young mother diagnosed with cancer trying to keep a happy face while being hounded by a baying public demanding their ‘rights’ to know all the intimate details.

This in today’s NYT

It’s clear that the British royal system has taken yet another step after having evolved from a traditional monarchy into a constitutional monarchy. Currently, it is practically a zoo enclosure in which members of the royal family are trapped, for the purpose of entertainment, distraction and political and symbolic fights. They may have access to luxury and wealth, but they have little power or freedom.

And they are no longer shielded by the presence of Queen Elizabeth, who functioned as a symbol of stability, by virtue of her extremely long reign. Social media has now reduced the size of their enclosure and enlarged the number of people who can participate in creating a spectacle.

The results are inhuman for everyone, including the ones purportedly at the top of the hierarchy.

Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep) a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University. NYT


Having watched all this unfold rather unpleasantly, culminating in Kate’s incredibly stoic speech, it defies belief how many journalists and social media addicts have picked over the bones relentlessly, speculated and generally created unpleasant commentary on the whole situation. Yet again, how would these folks feel if they experienced the same behaviour aimed towards themselves - I would suspect not ‘good’. How very sad for Kate and the family to have to endure this whole fiasco. I feel great sympathy for her and anyone else who has to deal with this truly dreadful disease.


Exactly, even Kate, who obviously prefered to make her own public admission was choking back the tears. Unless you have had that C diagnosis its difficult fully understand how it feels, the proverbial rug pulled out from under your feet, the not knowing where this may end. This felt to me like Kate has only just come to terms with this and only just being able to speak openly, give her a break.


Yes precisely. I cannot even start to imagine how she and the family must have felt, having to deal with the diagnosis together with all the, frankly, irrelevant press coverage of a non topic of interest.


True - but surgeons want to have their ducks as much in a row as possible these days; surprises occur but if they can be avoided so much the better.

As to Kate - no one removes a 42 year old’s reproductive organs on a whim but the clincher was the announcement before the op that she would need prolonged convalescence. If you just have a hysterectomy for fibroids it’s likely to be “key hole” and you’ll be home in a few days. My mum had a hysterectomy for fibroids in the late 80’s and even then she was home within a week and back to normal activities in less than a month.

Kate and Charles had access to the mest medics and diagnostic tests - it pushes credulity that, despite the resources available to them, they both had cancers undetected until after the fact.

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In Kates case she is younger but as has been shown cancers are hitting younger and younger people. Cancer markers usually but not always show up in blood tests. If it is cervical then its been called a silent killer.