Running for the train

What’s that all about?
Heading to work this morning and, as I got to the station, the train pulled up to the platform. It seems everyone went nuts, starting to run, jumping over the turnstile that was broken and barging through the crowd.
Meanwhile I stood to the side thinking “you’re just going to your work and the next train is in 4 minutes, what’s the panic?”.

I can’t decide if I’m the only rational one, if I’m just becoming old and jaded or I’m simply ready to retire. Perhaps all three.


More likely older and wiser.


It’s National Lemming Week, they were just celebrating, poor things. :slight_smile:

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Is that train serving a station that has a festival on this week?

I hated using Paddington Station when Glastonbury was on. Crowds of clueless trustafarians wondering around honking of skunk and patchouli oil.

Don’t miss commuting, corporate nonsense, FGW/GWR, TfL or London at all.


Not that I’m aware of though it was heading into central Paris.

Maybe someone dropped a fiver…:astonished:

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I’m Scottish, if that was the case then it would have hit me on the back of my head.


Were you at Delhi station? :smile:

I’m not always sure Paris is much different.

Le temps nous égare, le temps nous étreint, le temps nous est gare, le temps nous est train. Jacques Prévert.


I still relish memories of finally beginning to work f/t from home after a frantic lifetime of mainly long distance commuting. Got up much later having read the papers online in bed, leisurely whirlpool bath, followed by a three course breakfast while reading more news, then settling down in an armchair in my study to carefully read and reply to emails from my students who were spread across several time zones and were at different points in their day.

It was a revelation, so tranquil after decades of rushing. but I’ve since found retirement even better!

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I completely agree. I feel quite guilty saying this, but after a lifetime of 4 hour daily round trip commutes via car/trains/tubes/walking into London, full time WFH, accelerated particularly during COVID, was the best, most enjoyable working conditions of my career. It enabled us to start and end each working day with a long dog walk along the much underrated Essex coast. That happy pattern has continued into retirement in Normandy.


I was fortunate with two jobs I had in being able to cycle or walk to work. I did have one where I had to go from Ealing to North Finchley. Hanger Lane gyratory and then North Circular Road. Both ways , of course.

This is my experience of Parisian commuting. Exactly the same as London. :slightly_smiling_face:

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and you would have split your lip on the back Mr Jones ‘crust’…

IT envy. Bit tricky laying bricks from home. Throwing not a strong point. And as for skimming ceilings…