Oh dear… I have to ask - what is my ‘avis’?
It’s the document you get from the tax people in about August once you’ve submitted a tax return confirming your tax liability and detailing their calculations.
Avis d’Imposition currently for 2022 and then after august 2023. More often asked for than any other fiscal document.
When I first applied I didn’t have this doc but having done my return on line, with my details and p/word the officer went onto my impots a/c and all was well. I was in and out in < 10 mins.
Used to have Borax on plasters /lint (ie lint bandages) I expect. Borax used to be used in the house for many things, a bit like bicarb I expect, but I think it became discredited, Used to get it as a powder from the Chemist (=Pharmacy)
Cockney Borassic lint = skint
As I said above! You are watering the ocean as I am London born and bred….