Scam email?

I think this is a scam email, can anybody confirm, please?>

Sat 15/01/2022 15:49

I certainly don’t want to open it but I would comment if you could show it without a link.

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I cannot copy any of it and the pdf has no preview option.

Frankly, the gendarmerie keep talking about scams purporting to come from them, so don’t worry. Don’t open anything, but mark it as spam or simply delete the whole thing…

If the gendarmes really need to speak with you, they’ll write or knock on the door (but don’t hold your breath) all will be well.


As it’s from a gmail address it looks like a scam


From what I can see, the correct email address would be

Des investigations sont en cours, mais la gendarmerie rappelle qu’un mail ne se terminant pas par gendarmerie . interieur . gouv . fr est forcément un mail frauduleux. Cette technique de fraude, dite phishing ou hameçonnage, consiste à récupérer des données personnelles, notamment bancaires, par le biais d’un formulaire.Dec 18, 2020


I doubt the gendarmes use gmail! Also if the content of the email is something to do with child crimes then most distinctly a scam!,


Address is wrong, title is wrong, bin it.


This is a good place to look for scams, phishing etc.

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My late wife’s email address has been getting them for some time now.

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That is upsetting John :angry: :hugs:

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Always check the addess of the sender - as pointed out above, the address of the gendarmerie is not a gmail address.

Try to keep your eye on the media as well; attempts at this particular scam have exploded in the last 6 months or so and have been widely reported in the print and broadcast media across France.

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It’s definitely a scam. Move it to junk and empty your junk folder. If you reply or open the email it will confirm to the scammers that they’ve hit on a real email address and step up scamming activities

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