School lunches in uk

Have the gov stopped serving school lunches in UK?

No they have not.

My grandson has quite a wide variety of menus to choose from… well, his Mum marks what the choice is… on the paper he brings home.

I think there is talk of finishing Free school meals…

These were available when I was little… no-one “noticed” that some got it free and some didn’t… we were just kids getting on with “life” as best we could. … and I loved cabbage, so I was everyone’s friend at lunchtime… :grinning::grinning:

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My favourite was cheese and potato pie. There was always “second helpings” and I had second helpings of second helpings…:yum::yum::yum: This was in 1944.


I can only remember the cabbage (delicious) from junior school, but then we had Chocolate Crunch later in life… fantastic…once every term…:hugs:

I have never managed to cook anything remotely as good as that… :relaxed:

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My immediate reaction Stella would have been poor you…but my school meals were awful.

If the gov stop school meals then they really must stop their lavish lunches
and their bouzy dinners.

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School meals weren’t really that bad…nothing like home-cooked of course… but they were hot…very important in winter months…

And, on getting home, we always had a filling Tea… bread and butter with cheese, jams… apples/fruit from the trees… and Mum generally made a delicious sponge cake or pudding… yummy.

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so you lived in the country side?

chocolate crunch with pink custard that was a favourite of mine.
My mother couldn’t cook, still can’t, so school dinners were wonderful.

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My mother was not a good cook but she did cook sometimes as a job.

Junior School: we lived in a coastal town and walked the 2 miles to school each day… I’m sure that’s what kept us so fit and healthy… :grinning:

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We provide free school meals for all the FS1 and FS2 children and I believe that there were plans to extend the system. I think that now the Government is cutting back. Those children with a real need for free meals will continue to get them.

that is good.

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Have to say that I loathed school meals.

I’ll second that…and as for the cabbage🤮

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cabbage as a kid…hated it.

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I loved cheese pie. Our next door neighbour worked as a dinner lady and used to bring it home for me as it was so unpopular there was always loads left! That was in the 70s.

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I can’t remember one good thing about school dinners…I hated all veg and especially cabbage…I still have a love hate relationship with many vegetables even now…desserts were sometimes better if the custard didn’t have lumps in it…Bizarrely I always associate my freedom from school dinners with mull of Kintyre…!