School Security Measures effective MONDAY 23 NOVEMBER

That's my point exactly Valerie. A stranger in much of France would attract attention and even in the larger towns or cities someone hanging around who isn't a regular parent would/should arouse suspicion. We, as 'normal' citizens can do a heck of a lot to help by just paying attention and taking note of anything different or unusual.

We, the people are stronger than the terrorist minority and we will beat these murderers if we stick together as a nation and especially as part of a world united.

Cars blocking the road outside schools is a frequent problem Jane. It seems such a small thing to stop outside and unload the children but it causes chaos outside schools as everyone arrives at about the same time. We had two entrances to our school, one on the road and a second from a huge car park at the back. The parents arriving by car were asked to use the rear entrance but as that was less convenient it was basically ignored. As there was a pedestrian crossing in front of the school and that was often obstructed the Police became involved. Their presence often caused even more confusion. Another reason for not parking in front of buildings, when terrorist activity is likely, is because of the danger of car bombs. I have often lived through periods of time where we were banned from parking within 25 metres of any building for that reason. I have also experienced working in a school patrolled by armed guards, that was the most unreassuring safety measure ever. You are right, life needs to go on as usual with sensible precautions.

The cars are parked along the entire front wall of the school on the opposite side of the road. One benefit though is that a lot of parents recognise each other so a 'stranger' would be more noticeable.

I cannot see why the chats should stop as long as their cars are not blocking emergency access to the school.

To defeat terrorism we need to carry on as normal.

The thought is always at the back of my mind, Peter, and I can't stop it. Typical parent I suppose. It is a good move on a national level and I agree with you that vigilance plays a key role. I suppose there's a tendency to think only the larger cities / tourist areas would be attractive and that's certainly not the case.

At my son's school, once the children have gone inside some of the parents continue talking in little groups for another half hour or so (which I miss now as Twerp catches the school bus). That will have to stop I should think as their cars stay parked alongside the road until they've finished nattering and go their separate ways.

Seems like an intelligent set of measures though I suppose nothing will prevent the unthinkable happening. We are all so vunerable and we are all easy targets to a cowardly assassin or bomber. I would say two of the icons stick out for me

a) The 'Eye' icon which denotes being vigilant and keeping your eyes peeled for anything suspicious.

b) The 'Crossed out car' icon preventing the dropping off and picking up of children in front of the place of learning. This has always been a problem and it seems to be getting worse with lazy parents clogging up the roads. A great case for car-sharing maybe ?