Seeking self employed builder

is ok to ask for help as i require some plaster boarding, plaster and plumbing , to my home in
st mathieu, france .
thank you
sammy torre

You should look in your local brico shed for info about local “artisans”, or maybe the freebie brit paper (think it’s Etcetera over your way)

Might help to say where you are :wink:

:joy: sorry yes of course at Mathieu

Right yes of course , I was hoping to organise this before I came out , but thank you I will check the boards and local magazine.

Phil Sanigar, who lives in Pressignac. I highly recommend him.

Thank you , Do you have the gentlemen’s contact details please

Hi Sammy,

Let me look for one of his business cards, and get back to you. I can message you, if that is okay.

Hi Mary
That would be wonderful , thank you

Could you possibly send me Phil’s details too…I have a few jobs that need doing. Thanks in advance