Selling My Car

Hi Everyone, I am hoping someone can help me with the problem of downloading a Certificate du Cessation du Vehicule...I have downloaded and printed a Cert. Non Gage but on the website the Cessation Cert. can only be completed it possible to get these from the Maire?? Thanks

I'm sure you're right. Adobe seem to be having loads of problems with people,me included,who can't get the latest version of Reader to download.

Hi David and Ben, thanks for your help … I went. And got the forms from the Maire, a lot easier!

You can get it from

Click "Acces au formulaire etc." and on the next page the downloadable and printable PDF version is on the right. It might require you to download the latest version of Adobe. Good luck :-)

If you create your account you can then call up the form and fill it in online. I tried it out last night after I too found it impossible to download the PDF from the service-public website.

Hi David, thanks for that but you have to complete and file the form online, its not possible to download the form so I wondered where I could get them from.

Create yourself an account with mon service public and you should be able to do it online.