Selling up

Hi All. Selling up our [nearly] finished 17th C colombage farmhouse in 31230 and heading back to Scotland. Long story but what is/are the best way/s to get rid of household stuff? I don’t have time for car boots now and the Troc in St Gaudens charges a wee bit too much. Any advice extremely welcome.
House for sale too!
Thanks. H.

If you’re OK with giving some stuff away, then look for a local Emmaus. They should be happy to pick up any stuff you have. You could also try selling stuff on Leboncoin of course, it’s worth a try. Some people also do open house sales, but I think this may have to be done through an auction place. I see them advertised here from time to time.

We got in touch with a local Brocante-they took away a couple of van fulls of stuff.

We do see adverts round here for vide-maison, so basically 1 day open house where people can buy anything and everything (valuables and personal possessions in a well locked room). You could print up some flyers and try it.

Otherwise local charities like Emmaus - currently a demand because many Ukrainians are arriving with nothing.

No pain no gain!
If you want an easy fix then get rid of your household stuff at your local dechetterie but if you want to sell then you will have to devote time and effort.
You suggest that your nearest Troc charges too much but surely something is better than nothing?
We all think our household effects are worth a fortune but in reality most of the time they are just functional items of little value.
Giving to a charity would be just as fulfilling as getting a few bob from the Troc.


Thanks everyone. Some of our stuff came from that Emmaus. I think I’ll check out an Ukraine charity in the area, that makes a lot of sense.

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Emmaus is one of the largest charities aiding Ukrainian refugees.


Mrs W, has given tons of stuff to them over the last month. It’s a great charity that helps those that need.

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