September / October planting

I have been a bit slack getting things in this autumn. Have I missed the boat? What can I still plant? Have seeds like beets, chard, sprouting broccoli ect. Have lettuce seedlings too and will pick up some of the Asian ones to go longer. We aren’t very keen on salads in winter though and would be nice to have some other things in.

Getting a bit late but you’re further South than me. Definitely radishes, Winter lettuce, broad beans, chard, spinach, onion sets and spring onions.
Under cloches or under f lease again spinach, pak Choi, spring cabbage.
You could see what the garden centers have in the way of broccoli and cabbage plants.
End of October, garlic and shallots.

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Off-hand, I can think of broad beans, shallots ( a little bit later perhaps) and garlic. Others will think of more… my brain is fried…

I see @wozza is more on the ball :smiley:

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