SFN Merchandise - Need your input please!

Survive France, and live French, don't get stuck on the bench :D

Safe for Newcomers

sorry lowered the tone there, strike me out!

No, we've got some lo

vely voisins.

it'd be **** ******* Neighbours down our way

Several Fab Neighbours

yes Stuart, maybe not...you started this tho'

I like the idea of Satisfaction for Novices ;)

Suivre France, Naturellement!

Salut France Naturellement

Select Fraternity Network

Shoot French Nationals, no that's a joke! How about Suffering French Nationals, as in so do they

Survival for Novices

Seeking Friends Nationally

Satisfaction for Novices?

Of course you wouls have to write Survive France network or something over the top or underneath.

NIce one Stu!

you are all getting toooo clever!