Shag in the woods

A demented unscrupulous hunter almost took a Land Rover and it's female driver for game ? Sounds like his "orientation sensations" are in severe need of review, certainly would be better hunter if armed with a camera.

Very unusual as hunting is not normally allowed after the hours of darkness. Does however occur with Boar Hunting on the german/French border - I think this is because it is legal in Germany.

I may be wrong perhaps someone can come in on this.

I do hunt but I do not walk in the woods in the daytime on hunting days -

We pass hunters on the way to the apiaries.. they think we're odd in our white beekeeping suits, and we think they're odd, in bright orange jackets, with cammo's on underneath.

But Catherine, hunters are always wandering around with potentially leathal weapons..that's what they do lol Daylight or dark....well, actually they're supposed to stop just before night fall but there are the odd naughty ones. He was probably more frightened of you than you were of him, he probably expected you to be a forest guard or something. I would go the long way round in the night time, could you imagine if you ever broke down out there by yourself?

All of a sudden I understand the deeper meaning of the omnipresent ScrewPak ads. It all comes together as you drive it into the wood.

Sorry was that the hunter with a potentially lethal weapon or the shagger?? :-) Might just be worth the extra 3 miles I think!!

We know not even to walk in daylight in our local woods in hunting season - if we did we wouldn't be surprised to meet hunters

Sorry, bit busy at present, so I dont have time to read the whole post, but if this is Decembers competition, and its first come, first served (sic), can I register my entry please?

Does the prize have to be taken in December? Or can we wait until the weather warms up a bit?

Will a blanket be provided, or is BYO?
