Should I go or should I stay?

I'd be a bit p1ssed off at a shop being burnt down and riots and consider it a little bit of a problem James ;-)

Remembering when UK was ok.

It was ok once upon a time

I am a Londoner...and for the previous 30 or so years most of my jobs involved travel in and around son lives in Shepherds Bush...I have never been assaulted..accosted or had anything stolen whilst in husband and I have been to Paris half a dozen times....tops. He has been mugged on two occasions whilst in Paris....similarly...I have managed contracts in the East End...dodgy parts of south London....often travelling by train and tube and problems...but that is one scarey place!....lets be sensible...England is not the South Bronx....there are not murderers on every street corner...indeed I have spent the last year working in a homeless hostel with drug users/criminals and those with over riding mental health issues...and I have never been frightened....I find most people friendly (I appreciate that travel in London is not a joy and a lot of people wont make eye contact...ditto in Paris)....the UK has less pleasant weather than the southern half of France...but has as much wine for sale...and if you choose a quiet life in the country....the quality of life is as good...its down to personal choice...

but the UK salaries aren't here either so you end up about evens at the end of the day ;-)

yep, there's a lot of resentment in some areas, saw it in Brittany when I taught there for a year. No problems here but as soon as I go into the Lot it's a different ball game!

Bienvenue en France !

Why do you have to pay at the doctors in France but not in the uk - the systems are different, they're not civil servants, it's the same for the french too! Every country is different. Why do I get nearly all my child care paid for in France but would have to pay all of it in the UK? why do we drive on different sides of the road, why don't uk students get housing benifit? they do in France. why do uk students have to pay enormous fees, they don't in France? I could go on and on...

Well - that would definitely be a difficulty about moving back to UK at the moment! I can't imagine that property is going to be particularly easy to sell right now!! So that is definitely something that we would be taking into consideration when we look (seriously) at whether to stay or go!!

So true Catherine!! IF we knew what we were letting ourselves in for there are probably lots of things we wouldn't do - but isn't that part of life's adventure?? Doing new things, trying it and seeing what happens!! Doesn't make it easy - but does make life worth living!!

Agree Emily......France is the same way the UK is lovely...both have problems...both have joys...I made a comment a while ago I stick by....that is where you are brought up you learn the rules, how to deal with services, big business, run your move to a new country..and all the rules are different and you may have difficulties with the language as you will always be on the back foot.....we are not pathetic at coping husband is originally from Canada...and we have travelled widely...two of our adult children live outside of Europe....but moving to France has taught me a valuable lesson....and that is that I love the country I come from...and despite problems, which all countries have, I think the UK is one of the best places in the world to live...its systems are fairer than most countries and it welcomes those who are tortured and suffer in their own countries....the UK has an amazing record for Human Rights...a record to be proud of....and I now know the grass for me isnt greener anywhere else.

the health service in the UK is amazing considering its free at the point of access...not so in France...if the NHS had as much money coming in as the French would be the best in the I made the point before...why is it that a French person gets free healthcare in the UK...but no vice versa????? why do we have to pay in France????

its a terrible bug this year....everyone has it for really hangs around....hope you are better soon...

actually it doesnt always work that you get 'free' treatment in husband who is a Dr. has a chronic condition that means in the UK he gets free prescriptions...not so in he is under 65 he is paying the full amount for everything.....and what is this madness about not being able to collect a 6 month prescription and having to go in and get it monthly.....if you love spending hours in the pharmacy its great...but otherwise what a chronic waste of time!

when we came my husband was 60...I was 54...we got the statutory 2 'free' years of health same as the French...but now...we have to fully insure ourselves, or at least my husband has I now live in the UK. Think about it... if a French person moves to the UK..they get free healthcare...for ever...why then do we have to pay....the european union is not a level playing field....once again the UK is the nation that provides freely for Europeans....gets a tad annoying eh?

yes you've paid your NI in the UK but what we have to pay in charges sociales in France is so so so much more than NI in the UK but as you say, you've paid so now you're entitled. i think the thing that rubs is when people say the french health service is so good - it often fails people miserably but there again so does the nhs - but it is good overall because it costs an absolute fortune in contributions compared to the nhs ;-) and everyone has a muteulle - that's the french system

In fact I think the HNS is better value for money.

It does seem the case.

I would get help and treatment whether I live in England or France as I have a long term illness. We pay for complimentary health assurance every month and when I worked in my previous life I paid my fair share in N.I. and tax! So not sure what your point is. All I know is that the health care here in France has been good in my experience.

I suppose they do but not where I live. There are positives and negatives but the I prefer France now overall.

or you'll be retired!!!

Hope you feel better soon Emily ;-)