Smallholding for sale

we have a 7.2 acre smallholding for sale. Includes main 200 year old farmhouse 4 beds 3 bathroom,huge kitchen and lounge. solar panels and ceramic radiators. huge barn with concrete floor, Walled garden, ideal for children or as a vegetable plot. price listed at 150,000 open to offers - we need to downsize due to our advancing ages… Please contact me for pics and price details. Very reasonable price, offers considered. Property is based in Suris, 16270. Planning permission for two other houses to be constructed in the lower right field. adjacent to elec and water hook-ups email for pics and additional information


Do you have any idea where it is? If you do, it might be worth including that information.


mid-charente sorry difficult to work system…blame it my age…73! can you add it for me

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thanks changed the ad

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