Social charges for auto-entrepreneurs of retirement age

I am certainly going to thank him profusely and keep his details in a locked and guarded safe place.

Hah? Must have been very bored, a famous first that nobody has ever heard of before. Even getting a reply usually.

At least he responded - and the same day too!

They are soooooo polite (not)!

Thanks Brian. In fact I emailed the RSI, explaining that my customer's neighbour, an artisan, claimed he did not pay social charges now he is retired. The response (capitals and exclamation marks as provided by the RSI!):

"Un auto entrepreneur DOIT payer ses charges sociales au RSI qu'il soit retraité ou non ! Le voisin est il bien dans la légalité ?"

I agree with Glen's analysis with exception of the political bit, but then we always do bed to politely differ. Small farmers, tradesmen like plumbers, electricians and who knows who else are often working at impressive ages. We have a local farmer in his 70s whose 'boss' is his father in his 90s and whilst the older one does not officially work, he still calls the few cows in for milking, collects the eggs in the hen house and things that are none too heavy. His 'young' son says there is plenty of time for retirement in the cemetery. They all work and pay cotisations like everybody else. Anyway, the AE part is exactly as Glen says which will be me after October too.

Thanks for the reply Glen.