Some hope might be on the horizon

I remember that tantrum so well… :upside_down_face:

At least they seem to have ditched the “wotevver it takes” slogan. The slippery tykes have realised it sticks in the public craw, being a plain-as-the-nose-on-his-gibbering-face lie. They won’t.

Johnson looks like a crumpled Christmas balloon on twelfth night. Miserable and totally useless. He has resorted to knocking the table for emphasis, or perhaps for luck. Who knows or cares any more :roll_eyes::four_leaf_clover:

Perhaps like this

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Nah this one’s better


And when there’s no hope left…

There is still hope… for us…

Sadly not for the Titanic…
while this is only the film version… the disaster did happen and I always weep during this part of the film (whichever version)

click on the link …then click “watch on YouTube” and it works… hurrah

There’s always…

I always thought this was quite poignant

Where’s the laughing emoji when you need it? :upside_down_face: :wink:

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Canute said something similar :wink:


Let’s be fair to Cnut. His action was to prove that he was not as powerful as nature.


Wasn’t it exactly the opposite? I always thought Canute was trying to prove he couldn’t stop the tide being only mortal, so his retenue of fawning sycophants were all bonkers - which of course does hold true for BoJo.

I’m sure I said that. :slight_smile:

Let’s keep smiling…

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