SOS for some puppies in Dax (40)

These fluffy bundles are apparently going to be PTS if homes aren't found. A friend of a colleague has asked me to share this so I have no other info but if anyone can help I can put you in touch. Anyone?

Well the lady in question has just joined SFN so be gentle please ladies!

Absolutely agree Melissa but I'd just asked the friend of my colleague for more info and she said " People can contact me in the first instance, as the puppies belong to the father of a friend of my son (very complicated !)"

I also asked her if she'd consider signing up to SFN so that I don't have to be the intermediary and I should imagine that having read this, she will run a mile!

In the meantime, if anyone in or around the Dax area can actually take a puppy, please PM me and I will give you the ladies email. Equally if anyone wants to get in touch with the dog's owners and talk to them about sterilising their animals, then same thing, let me know and I'll pass details on.

Hope that clarifies things! Now I really need to go and get some lunch on the table and then do some work.


Aiiieee, as an exhausted, heart sick foster family, I have to chime in!

The problem of unwanted (and killed for it) animals in France is so vast and so heartbreaking that if we don't, as a community, start taking a serious ,consistant, long-term approach, it will continue to grow even worse.

Catharine, of course you are just the messenger (can you share this thread back with the friend of the owners?), but it would be wonderful to see an update such as : "the owners are getting the mom sterilized," or "the owners don't give a damn as long as other people keep finding homes for their puppies," or "the owners want someone else to foot the bill, and then they'll get the mother sterilized," or "the owners don't have the heart to take the puppies to vet to be killed, so they'll drop them off at the dump."

I am shocked at my own cynicism, but it is truth-based.

I suggest blackmailing the owner: "X will adopt a puppy IF you sterilize the mother."

Then we would have more useful information about what to expect from this household.

Arranging adoptions without intervening in the homes that produce puppies and kittens is poor management for everyone who is active in animal rights, and, more importantly, hateful for the animals who will arrive in a world that does not want them.

Blessings to everyone,


Thank you for your concern. I'm aware that it is illegal to advertise cats and dogs without the mother's microchip number, this can in no way be deemed an advertisement as SFN is not a classifieds site but a social media network a la Facebook. So I am merely sharing information!

Sorry Catharine but you should not display the message in this case as it is illegal and more to the point against the interests of the animals involved

I absolutely agree Lynn but this is the scenario and I'm only the messenger so don't shoot me! :)

if most people are aware then why the blackmail saying that these will be put to sleep if a solution isn't found, the solution is to STOP taking the responsibility away from these owners and start to care for the animal correctly, that includes making sure it is sterilised and these puppies identified.

Not judging at all but seeing every day day in day out the results of this not being done, so in fact, just pointing out the facts and the actions to take in the BEST interests of the animal and NOT the people who mostly just want a quick get rid scheme!

Please make sure that mum is sterilised or we will see this kind of post every other month and her misery continues.

The legalities are that these dogs are microchipped before being placed, it will save their lives in the future and is there to protect.

All I know is that they have some lab in them. Will enquire!

We're looking for another dog currently as we lost a dog a few weeks ago to a stroke, but our Ozzy had a poor start to life and can be difficult with larger dogs. What are these fluffy bundles going to grow into?

It's heartbreaking. I absolutely have to wear blinkers at the moment but am crossing everything that they find loving homes.