SOS France Helpline

Moving to a different country can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. Add to that a new language and culture, it’s no wonder people find themselves feeling overwhelmed.

So that’s where SOS Help comes in. Our service is open from 3 to 11 pm for anyone who needs an ear for a little while to speak about what might be troubling them, and who prefer to speak in English.

Most of our listeners are expats themselves and have experienced first-hand the difficulties of integrating. They are fluent in English and come from countries all over the world. They are trained by professionals to provide a quality listening service that is anonymous, confidential, and non-judgmental.

No problem is too small, so if you have no-one to turn to, you don’t have to cope alone.

If you feel our service can be of help to you, call us on 01 46 21 46 46.

SOS Help was founded in 1974 by a group of American and British health professionals, with the help of Chad Varah, founder of the Samaritans. SOS Help is a non-profit organisation recognised under the French law of 1901. It is a branch of France's SOS Amitié Federation and is linked to the Samaritans and Befrienders International.

SOS Help is also on Facebook here

Skype - callsoshelp

01 46 21 46 46

So many people end up alone and in despair (especially women )when moving to France . Can't state enough how wonderful this is

Great idea, hope I never need to use it.

A timely post James!! :0)