
I probably wouldn’t like it but I would like to be able to see it and have no desire to see anything else in that gallery. Surely someone must have published it by now?

The much maligned phrase ‘I know what I like’ definitely connects with me and I am totally disgusted that people will pay millions for something awful just because of a name.

But I had my own 5 minutes of art fame. I passed GCE O Level Art. :joy:
And just to prove a point I will describe my entry. The theme was ‘heat’
I painted the top half of the page in blue, the bottom half was yellow, then with white I managed a couple of animal skulls, after decomposition was complete, obviously.
Then I took my wet brush and squiggled it all down the page. Thus HEAT. :rofl:

If I need to extend my quailifications as a Philistine (I use the upper case just in case the word has anything to do with Palestine :roll_eyes:) I once spent a day between reloads in Paris at the Louvre, and hated the Mona Lisa, loved all the giant stuff on the walls though. :grinning:

I love the art museums in Munich.
Both Pinakothek and the Lenbachaus.