Squirelling in the Cevennes

Hi, I’m Sharon. I moved to France from Glasgow in 2000 for the sun, the moon and the stars. Found all three. I live with my husband our two daughters in a tiny village the Cevennes mountains (about an hour and a half from Nimes) where we run a venue for courses and workshops as well as gites (www.gardoussel.com). Having been a journalist in a former life (aren’t there a lot of us on this site??), I now write purely for pleasure and in the last few years I’ve been slowly getting a small program of summer writing courses off the ground, taught by writers whose work I enjoy and respect. What else? Umm, I teach English to the little darlings of CE1 and CE2 in our local village (recent forays into UK song have included educational standards such as Oh Ye Cannae Push Yer Granny Aff the Bus; I kid you not, it was for a Scottish-themed Journee d’Anglais, ho-ho). I also sing in the local chorale and in a trio, I dance - badly but with enthusiasm - when I get the chance, and I love hiking. Our girls - 10 and 7 - have been brought up in France and love it here. We have donkeys, chickens and a growing family of cats which keeps them out of mischief. I hanker a secret desire to take off with one of our donkeys and walk the Stevenson trail one day soon - he crossed here as a young man and wrote ‘Travels in the Cevennes with a Donkey’ as a result, a book I am ashamed to say I have never read but that doesn’t stop me wanting to follow in his footsteps.

Ha, I would have liked to hear that one (-;

The song title cracked me up - thank you for lightening up my otherwise v dull afternoon!

A couple of years back, my two were being taught to sing some reggae songs ( as part of English of course ) and the French teachers attempt at a Jamaican accent, had to be heard to be believed…