Store Cupboard Stuff

Well obviously - you are a bloke :slight_smile:

And therefore can happily ditch the veggies and exist on "Animal and Chipsā€™ as Jamesā€™ favourite meals are known in this houseā€¦

Duck lardons - never seen those, sound really nice though.

Trust a bloke to want more.
I would need 4 items:

Pasta (any form)
Long Life Cream
Lardon or duck lardon.

If I had to do away with one it would be the onions.

Dried chorizo, tinned tomatoes, onions, which are technically dried, so I have included them

Agree with you and Catharine - we are course, writing the definitive shopping/check list here - YEA!

I think mine would have to be:
long-life bricks of cream

You can always make a tasty pasta dish with those ingrediants, especially if you have garlic and white wine in the house too.
The cream can be added to tomatoes or other veg to make a sauce, and the onions are universally useful in just about everything except chocolate mousse :slight_smile:

I prefer Frozen mushrooms - find they taste more realistic than tinned. And Iā€™m with you on the spinach thing too!

Hereā€™s my top three.

  1. Tinned tomatoes - useful in almost everything or just served on buttery toast. Yum.

  2. Noodles - add some spices, fresh herbs and possibly an egg - et voila!

  3. Lardons - make great pasta with the addition of almost any veg that is lying around needing to be finished up.