Sue Gray appointed Starmer's Chief of Staff

Apparently this is now throwing doubt on her report on Partygate.

no Johnsons allies are casting doubt


At the time she was being hailed as the perfect honest person with integrity to carrying out that enquiry.


[…] and I don’t see that anything has changed in that respect.

Parliament has moved on… The Commons Privileges Committee is now conducting its own investigation and collecting its own evidence, much of which will be under oath - I very much doubt that the Gray report features very much in that exercise. Indeed, it will be examining the ABBA party in the No 11 flat occupied by the PM and his (at the time) fiance which neither Gray nor the Met Police examined and which perhaps is more damning than what Gray reported on.
de Pfeffle cronies can squirm as much as they like.


Pathetic interview with one of them on the Today programme this morning, Nick Robinson ended the interview because he wouldn’ answer the question but continued spouting rubbish.
They are ascribing their own petty values to others.

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The situation stinks. She has an unfinished, very political job and she shouldn’t be considered for any other political position until it is completed. If she resigns the remit she shouldn’t be considered either. We’ve waited a long time for her report and it should be forthcoming. Frankly the only thing that separates GB from a banana republic is the cold weather and the king.

Her report was released last year.

As others have mentioned, she was being touted by Conservatives as being honest and trustworthy up until she was hired by Labour.


Yes, he did well. More interviews should end that way… “answer the question or piss off” :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


what utter drivel… she’s a civil servant…
So tell me, how is this different to the civil servant appointed by Tony Blair or come to that, David Cameron before being asked to form a Government or the civil servant de Pfeffle appointed to the Cabinet in a political post? If you can’t remember, let me help you - (now Lord) David Frost :wink:


Plus, I seem to remember she was only brought in to do it after the Simon Case was found to have attended one of the parties being investigated.


It has also emerged that Sir Kier Starmer knows Sue Gray personally from as far back as when he was DPP and she a senior civil servant and he outlined that in in interview on LBC last January (2022).


Oh my goodness, that’s fierce and may I say a tad too ungracious to be conducive to civilised intercourse. However you’re probably correct and I will therefore retreat humbly to my box. Have a super weekend.

Her leaving / joining doesn’t alter any of the established facts of what actually happened /Johnson’ has been fined already.


I wonder if she’ll stay once Starmer becomes PM, civil servants are meant to be ‘politically neutral’ so it will interesting to see how her former colleagues treat her.

They’re supposed to behave with impartiality, which is slightly different. You can have political views but behave with impartiality.


why wouldn’t she?
Jonathan Powell (a diplomat) was Tony Blair’s Chief of staff for 10 years lasting the whole of his premiership…


I will… my birthday today :wink:
Used to get a cake day icon… perhaps that’s gone with the lastest update :slightly_frowning_face:

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:birthday::tada::partying_face::balloon::wine_glass::champagne:Happy Birthday :birthday:


Happy Birthday!

I didn’t know what a Chief of Staff does but, from looking it up, it doesn’t look particularly political, having more to do with efficiency than policy.

Which would make a senior civil servant a good choice (or someone from a business, of course).