Suggestion Box - Let us know what you think!

How about a ‘Back to the Top’ button at the bottom of the page so you can quickly get back to the navigation buttons :slight_smile: And what happened to the facility to ‘float chat box’ so tthat you can visit other pages without leaving a conversation?

How about a link to a weather forcast site on the front page, preferably searchable to your own region/department - a reasonably good one, being English we’re obviously obsessed by it, even if we are in France! And actually it is quite nice to know whether your gonna get rained on today or not…

Have to sharpen my css skills…!

Good idea Jan, thanks

Good morning James,

One improvement would be to put ‘important’ newsflashes at the SFN opening page, matters such as this weekends meeting which we missed because didn’t know there was anything planned and didn’t (yet) have a look on the events page…

Have a nice day,

Jan and Natasha

Is there any chance of moving the side display for FB, Twitter etc? I use an IPad to view SFN and cannot read any postings without pushing the screen around to avoid the social media sidebar. Thanks.

Let me see

Try it now Suzanne, let me know if that's better. Do you use it in portrait or landscape orientation?