Sunak IS responsible in part for schools disaster

Here the ever faux upbeat Sunak wriggling on the hook… the little coward.

Meanwhile the current Education Secretary has a whinge because she not approciatd, poor pet :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The Scheißefest rolls on…

Pathetic bunch of sociopaths

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Gordon Brown and Diddy Cameron. They both knew about it and did nothing. Cameron cut the education funding so more to blame than Brown although the problem with Aircrete was known before during the Blair government. So the majority of the blame goes to the Labour government

They are all the same both Labour and Conservatives

I know it’s normal to want to attach blame but ultimately it changes nothing, plus of course Sunak will be gone next year and RAAC is just another mess Starmer will have to deal with from day one.


What a mess, god knows what else has been cut corners on over the years that will now start coming home to roost. I pray to god there is no dreadful accident about to happen, that will be the final nail in the coffin for the sleazy tory party. Now children are going to have to suffer months of cold and wet weather in temporary or aging buildings, their education will suffer as a result.

Indeed, that is a pragmatic approach Tim, but It’s not a case of blame for blame’s sake. It’s a case of not getting fooled again (and again, and again, and…), often by the same bastards that fooled you in the first place. Fool me once shame one you, fool me twice etc.

Look who slashed the school building programme in 2010? Not a squeak out of him on the topic today.

This particular nasty piece of work went on to deliver up the Brexit shambles and now guess who’s trying to increase pollution in the already polluted rivers, having promised the opposite during Brexit campaigning.

I think one of the biggest problems with our current form of democracy, regardless of whether Right or Left and regardless of country is integrity and accountability. I’m not interested in “blame”, I’m interested the bastards that have done damage not being allowed to do more damage. There should be consequences for lies and failure.


It’s called not be elected again.

If you think ministers should be held personally responsible for failure then who in their right minds would put themselves forward for any government position?

Well that’s not bloody working, is it? And as for ministers being personally accountable, of course they should be. Just as I was for decisions I made as an exec.

People used to say when discussong the death penalty " would you be prepared to pull the lever/switch" whatever, have a guess at my answer.

I quit the UK 25 years ago. To be brutally honest the day to day affairs over the channel no longer interest me. Half my family has emigrated also. I thought this forum was all to do with living in France. Maybe i was wrong



It’s a question of degree - sure, reward ordinary incompetence with a thrashing at the ballot box but when you discover that you have, in fact, elected a government of kleptocrats who are busily dismantling the country, selling it off to the highest bidder and trousering the proceeds and to cap it all an election to get rid of them is in their power and only their power to grant then, yes, it is reasonable to start to hold individuals responsible.

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Seen that somewhere before :joy:

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Indeed, sorry Mark beat you to it over on the political humour thread :slight_smile:

I think it’s about whatever we want to chat about :slightly_smiling_face: maybe I’m wrong.

This has all been discussed before - so at the risk of being totally boring and repeating this yet again:
You do not have to read threads that do not interest you. You can mute them. I do not go onto car threads and demand to know why people are talking about cars, this is a French forum. If I don’t want to read car threads I mute them.
Maybe you no longer have ties to the UK but many of us still do and it matters to us that the UK seems to be on a path to self-destruction. In fact, being on the outside of it all probably gives many of us a more acute sense of the damage that is being done.
We have UK pensions, children, grandchildren in the UK. All of these links matter deeply - maybe not for you, so how can you understand what some of us are going through and what entitles you to query our life experiences, and concerns as if somehow they are less valid than yours?
Some of us still have a deep vein of affection and love for this beautiful group of islands that we grew up in and if we were fortunate to be growing up post-war there was a bedrock sense for many that life was getting better. We were optimistic for the future. It is hard to see all of that crashing down.

I’ll climb off my high horse now (and I suggest you do the same). I’ve watering of pots to do.


What the lady said.

Also some of us are not full time resident in France (yet) so actually have to put up with conditions in the UK on a day to day basis.


And how would you do that?