Supper Club

How does anyone feel about the idea of a Supper Club? A good excuse to get together, as well as eating good homemade food (not forgetting a glass or two), in a relaxed evironment.

These are very popular in big cities, as it costs less than eating out and is a great opportunity to meet new people.

Let me know what you think.

Yes you are all so spread out.

May I suggest that you look to form groups to LUNCH people who are

possibly up to an hour away?

Not that easy but it could be done.

Personally thinking about poping up when the situation is right for the clients.

Group of 6 to 10.Not in deepest coldest winter but probably March, April, May,
Sept, arrangement and reserved...

Really special ingredients,interesting menu and the dining room or garden

dining is belonging to the client from 7 to lets say almost midnight.

Can accomodate clients in our 2 rooms and 2 suites.

Makes a great present for those who really enjoy eating.

Birthday/private clients meeting ....ETC

Cost...AROUND 100 euros to include wines...mineral water and coffee from

a commercial exspresso.

Menu pre discussed....and seasonal.

We are set up in our kitchen with ten burners, 2 large ovens...

Everything which a small restaurant usually needs.

It is bags of work but great to see people having a wonderful time.

POP UP restaurants sound fun and are 'à la mode'. Agree with you Barbara, food does need to be special. I will have think about this, as have experience in restaurant and catering.

Good idea. In rural Cambridgeshire they had 'Dinnerladies' along the same lines. It was called that because a school cook who could also really cook wanted to share dishes with people where they lived. men were, despite the name, let in. We wanted to get it going in our area but could not get enough takers so I never had the actual experience. However, what they did was devise a menu and then one person or people sharing if neighbours or even couples would take on one dish. It had to be made to match the number of people at the dinner so was about precision as well as quality and presentation.

Before I knew my wife, but more since we have been together, I have been a great fan of good regional Italian food. That can be really hearty in winter with polentas and gnocchi rather than pasta. In summer good fresh mediterranean vegetables with foccacia that make light but satisfying meals please me.

The question is how? People are dispersed, so rural groups are a bit difficult to organise. Cooking and reheating can be a mess, especially given how many things do not give themselves to reheating. Lots of questions before commitment.

Small portions...

Lots of small portions...

More fun for the dining experience.

It sounds delicious Barbara, but I would only be able to get through about half of it. There's tons of food there. I suppose thats why you need the three hours to get through it all


ok here we go....WINTER time

crab soup made with duck stock.... (SMALL bowl....very small)

seved just after a little fresh crab and avacado with

chiili relish.

main course ....Slow cooked porK portrine....caramalised onions.

Puree of swede and carrot.

Spinache cooked with a little garlic

Runner beans...

maderia sauce.

Lyonnaise potatos.

Dessert....Mille fuielle of Rhubarb served with clotted

creamice cream.

Cheese oh if you can a very small whelshe raebit.

tHIS IS WHAT I WOULD SERVE....taking 3 hours to enjoy.

What would you go for Barbara?

Would depend when it is Barbara and whats on the market. I prefer hearty foods in the colder months and lighter more refreshing in the summer time. We've got some lovely tomatoes at the moment and quite honestly, peel me one of those and chop it onto some Italian bread with some echalots and drowned in olive oil and I'd be putty in your hands.

We have been concidering A POP UP restaurant....
SUPPER club needs people who live fairly close by.
Sadly not everyone has the same ideas about supper clubing.
We like to serve dishes which are not eaten every day..something special.
Nick what would be on your supper club menu?

Sounds like a great idea. Why not start it up as a group. I'd be up for it.