Surviving France?.. Doesn't bl*@dy feel like it!


OK I need to know what we’re doing about Anjou because I’ve been sitting at the bottom of the castle steps in Angles sur L’Anglin for 3 days now, with a british flag, a bottle of Calvados and a copy of the declaration of human rights.

Aha, it was in jest: any moment now we shall see The Spanish Inquisition with Michael Palin in charge. There are two weapons in the armoury of The Spanish Inquisition…etc.

@ lucy - well said. take most things with a pinch of salt - if the doc allows it! and just laugh. everyone is allowed a moan now and again without getting nasty

You are right - you can say anything, as long as it is a joke.

@ Julie - you are SO right!!
Why can’t they just read, smile, sympathise with sombeody who was obviously just having a bad day and sharing it (with humour) with the rest of us, and then move on??
Those of us with a sense of humour/irony/the ridiculous must be mystifying to those who don’t!!

Indeed Julie, far too much is being read into the OP, it was obviously a joke.

Thanks John for keeping me entertained at least!


Everyone calm down, personal comments will get you banned.

@ Janet, phwoar I quite like you, do you wear a twin set and pearls and maybe some good sensible shoes, no stop…

Jennfier thank you for your in put, you have made me take a long hard look at myself and now I am determind to stay and become perfect just like you.

Have just read your email again…! Go back to England and join the “whingeing poms”! There isnt a greater example than you! I cant believe that anyone could make that choice but maybe you are one of those chaps who whinges about everything!

ha ha, if I win I think I might even have more family coming out of the woodwork, and a LOT more mates!! fingers crossed…I will let you know

well…thinking about giving it / helping family I’d prob. need to win 70 mil, I’ve got a lots of them :slight_smile:

Well Karen - if you get lucky this weekend I think you are likely to be about 70 mil better off! Unless you are a joint winner of course… then you might only get half of that, or a third, or a quarter…

better get of to get my euromillions ticket then :slight_smile:

5mil I think. Help our family and good mates, give a bit to charity and live nice for the rest of your life

Can anyone believe the super rich in the UK would ever make such an offer to help their country? No, Never! This is just one more reason that France is such a wonderful place to live. (quote from someone in UK on BBC!)


Where is Northamptonshire ?

@ Catharine - I hope we are. I have cancelled all my other plans for the next “pont” weekend!! But - seriously … !!!

Peter, a word of warning about Northamptonshire, they seem to have an extremely small budget for social care. My parents-in-law bought a small place outside Banbury (oxon) but found that they came undedr Northamptonshire for social care, even though their GP was in Banbury.
My advice would be to try and make a comparison between the services offered by the respective authorities and take that into consideration.

What - we’re not going to annex Anjou???!!