Surviving France?.. Doesn't bl*@dy feel like it!

Introduced the children to escargot yesterday. Have been accused of child abuse by the eldest. Andouilettes next me thinks.

There’s no hurry.(more gallic shrugs) We could also do it during any lunch-time, Monday, jour ferrie, or the whole of August.

I forgot clafoutis and guignolet!

You can buy a West Indian/Cajun flavoured boudin noir in Super-U. Has anyone mentioned Pineau? Now there is a well kept secret. And cider? There’s a great creperie in Niort that serves a nice one along with the savoury crepes. Then there are the “transport cafes” that serve 4-course meals. It was never like that on the M2!! There’s far more to praise than bemoan. We even have a vintage car display tomorrow.

Jane, apologies you are quite right, credit where credit’s due, the pont was your idea and a damn fine one it was too.
Anne Marie I am currently undertaking shrugging lessons from a resident expert and hope to have it off to a ‘T’ for my next visit to the Bureau de Impot and Prefectures.

@ Anne M - Lol re the wombles!

Jane it was your idea !!! :slight_smile:

OOHHH ME TOO :slight_smile: with mashed potates (boudin noir) and apples hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oohh gotta go to the shops and buy some, singing the wombles song lol

oohhh I have just finished reading all of the comments on this blog and I feel so sorry for you John, there you were all alone (bottle does not count as second person)!!! ahhhh you were having a little moan (and probably as we cannot see you) a little “shrug”, you… poor thing decided to let us all know how very frustrated you were and then created one of the longest blogs on SFN (corruption excluded of course, as no longer exists lol) Its so funny when the comments go on and on and really makes me laugh, we all have good days and bad days here in France, but we also had them in the UK too I suppose lol, its hard when the “shrug” arrives however maybe you should be like me and learn to shrug, I am sure you have learned the language, now all you have to do is to learn the “shrug” :slight_smile: Its so funny when you do it, cos the french look a little shocked lol afterwards they are ok and even accept your shrug :slight_smile: I am sure it must be hard work for you, coping with work, building and car problems, however John chin up, all will be well with a little “shrug” Good luck AM

I love boudin - yuuuuuuum!

Dennis just a thought how do you know what “pissy knickers with elastic taste like”? :slight_smile:
Personally I cant even stand the smell of “Andouilettes” absolutley forbidden in my house,!!! However the boudin noir and boudin blanc hmmmmmmmmm so luvverly LOL

It’s a great life here…mostly…but how I sympathise with John Hilton. For some technical reason my Nationwide account in UK was not able to make a transfer, but only send me a cheque for several thousand.I deposited into my bank here, the Credit Agricole, on the 28th of April and it STILL hasn’t cleared, now about 16 weeks!!At first the French blamed the Brits and of course the Brits blamed the French. Now the Credit Agricole say ‘it is in the system’ and they had the cheek the other day to charge me for being slightly overdrawn. And yes…gallic shrugs…grrrrrr…Mon Dieu…I’ll join you John with my grandfathers ancient 12 bore (die jobsworths!) and happily accept a glass of your malt…in fact I’ll bring another bottle.

I think we need to think of the bigger picture. Anyone for another 100 years war?!

On a different note but tying in with Jane’s comment, it is interesting to stop and consider that (relatively) recently ‘France’ was not one whole country.

Hang on here a minute here John. I believe that it was my idea to wait until the next pont and Lucy thought that it was a stroke of GENIUS. Credit where credit is due!
Burgundy has never been “owned” by the Brits, so, presumably, it is not available for annexation.

:slight_smile: !!

As long as it doesn’t come with a lot of SPAM, that’s fine!
JOHN Bright

Exactly Charles… that’s it…'no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition!'
Jo, sorry but Lucy came up with a better plan, we have now postponed until the next pont. A strategic move that I believe Monty would be proud of.

please note this blog comes with a parental advisory notice and may contain irony, grown up humour and a twisted sense of history. May also cause injury as it is tongue in cheek and when not used properly the tongue may get trapped between teeth that are being aloud to chuckle irresponsibly. The use of alcohol is advised when using this blog but not heavy machinery.

Hop along to Beynac in your TARDIS: one of the Castle owners was a certain “Richard Coeur de Lion”. His brother John might no be so happy with a document on human rights though.

@ Jo hee hee…

@ Jo B - Brilliant!!