Tasty Snacks/nibbles

Our neighbours gave us Monster Munch smiley faces. They’re impishly inviting and you can imagine them giggling all the way down your gullet, and giving a little shriek as they splash down in a pool of gastric acid and Jack Daniels.

At least I can. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks everyone for all the extra suggestions. Food for thought. :slight_smile:

Sure, but if accompanied by bread, olives, cheese, ham and salami one’s apero can take up whole day’s quota, or more.

Just looked up Belin…as well as having palm oil it doesn’t score too well on traffic light indicators. As Prue Leith says, are they worth the calories?

Repères nutritionnels pour 100 g

quantité élevée31 g Matières grasses / Lipides en quantité élevée
quantité élevée15 g Acides gras saturés en quantité élevée
quantité modérée6.1 g Sucres en quantité modérée
quantité élevée1.99 g Sel en quantité élevée

Comparaison avec les valeurs moyennes des produits de même catégorie :

Yes, absolutely…a good “workout” and they’re gone … :innocent:
As always, everything in moderation…

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Peter, your imagination knows no bounds :grin::crazy_face::+1:

@Fran24 re my imagination, and its lack of bounds


But thanks all the same…:upside_down_face: x

moi aussi!

I just buy the plain Lays crisps. Can’t be bothered with the fancy stuff.

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Although you don’t always get the range of flavours I do like the crisps you get in France

Found in local SuperU.

Naughty I know, but couldn’t resist. These are BIG crisps, handmade & local I think, and taste very much like the crisps I’d buy in a London pub, with its included little blue bag of salt, long, long ago, except these French crisps are ready-salted.

No harm, now and again.

smiths crisps