Tax d'hab 2024 - surprise refund? confused!

As is ususal, we receievd our notification for tax d’hab for 2024 and the first payment has left our account on time and as expected.

However, what was a great surprise, and has caused us no end of confusion, the Authority has deposited the same amount (the full year’s worth) back on to our bank account as a credit!

Now, I know we can call them up to ask what is going on but I am going to sit it out for a month or two to see if they take the payment for next month and the month after before deciding what to do with this sudden windfall.

Anyone else have this or any ideas as to what might have occurred?

C & F

Perhaps because you pay by prélèvement….I can’t explain simply but every January we get a large sum (roughly equal to annual income tax) dumped into our bank account. And then we basically pay it back via our monthly prélèvements and end up close to zero at end of financial year.

We did once discover why, but I have forgotten - it was something to do with our charitable donations I think. And we did once think about trying to change this, but hey it’s an interest free loan. So never bothered.

Hi Jane - Yes, we pay by DD but have done since we bought the house 5 years ago and have never had this happen before. With it being a second home and us still living in the UK we don’t file annual tax returns and/or make charitable donations such that the Authorities would reward us so generously.

And, yes, the declarations about the property are correct and up-to-date.

Curiouser and curiouser…