Hello all, I'm wondering if anyone knows/can shed some light as to whether or not tax fonciers has risen (beyond reasonable) over the last couple of years? My 2010/2011 bills were 210E+, but for the last couple of years the bill has tripled to 670E+ When I sent a letter of enquiry to my local office, the hand written/vague reply was "Amendments made because of improvements made to your property" I renovated my home in 2006, and have made no improvements/changes since.
Merci Andrew.
As my partner has passed away, do I still pay the same taxe d'habitation !!!
No, Julie, taxe foncière is on the land and buildings whilst taxe d'habitation is on the occupant(s) ;-)
Please correct me if i am wrong but i thought tax fonciere was the land tax and the tax habitation was for the house..how can you possibly make changes to your land except maybe plonk a shed on it. I could understand if with tax habitation you open up your attic for example to make extra rooms. Now it is all falling into place why so many of our houses here in Brittany remain unaltered upstairs...to save extra tax.
taxe foncière bears no relation to purchase price - have a look at your form and you'll see how it's calculated ;-)
as I said earlier, it doesn't matter when the works were done, if there's a change in relation to what they have then that's why it's updated (one of our changes, running water, was done 50 years ago!) ;-)
Yes, Debra, but there is an ongoing updating of taxe foncière (often, but not always, triggered by a sale) as so many are way out of date. We haven't renovated either but there's been running water in the house for decades, it's just taken them 50 years to update their files...!
Hi all again, I feel better you've all got similar/higher amount bills....sorry I know I shouldn't!) That's the thing though, as you say Debra, I actually haven't made any changes, I renovated a house (in a village/so not easy to get away with anything) 2006, paid 1500E plus tax on completion of works and that's all really/nothing since? Your spot on though Andrew.. Holland is trying to garner as much money as possible? Also Andrew, your house is probably larger than mine.....I do remember my very first house in France, which was larger/6 Hts of land ...was very high tax, close to 1000E (bizarre concidering the property I purchased cost only 12000E?? and this was 20yrs ago, so 1400E for larger/more land etc seems not out of sink?
Debra it would be great if you could explain the 2 different taxes.
Our Fronciere has gone down! But it was very high.
We operate a Chambre D hote.
taxe foncière is often brought up-to-date after a purchase, mine is in the process of being re-evaluated and is likely to go through the roof - when last done there wasn't even running water at the farm. First time it's happened to me in 6 sale/purchases but becoming more common - the state needs money and will do anything possible to get it. Still sounds pretty reasonable, my last place was 1400€ taxe foncière and 900 taxe d'habitation :-O Waiting to know the damage on our new place, this will be the first year we pay here, taxe foncière was alreay well over 600€ before they started to re-evaluate...! :-O