Tax notice

Also, Hotblack and Desiato are a firm of estate agents in London. I found that one out in the 1980s when I saw a BBC news report from a street in London, with a for sale sign over the reporters shoulder.

Tax Fonciere 2023 Notice - silly question but I cannot find the answer…

Is the notice received early September and due for payment 15 October for the year 2023 or in advance for 2024?

It’s for the current year…

“Taxes Foncières pour 2023
votée et perçue par la commune et divers organismes…”

I have been told there are delays with issuing the tax notice and to expect mine by the end of October this year.

And, you don’t pay advance you pay for 2022 -2023.


If you look at the back of your Bill you will see the Heading: Taxes Foncières XXX
then the figures in each section… relating to the year before… and, underneath, the figures being charged in the current year XXX …
Thus you can see the variation from one year to the next.
but the Bill is for the current year’s Taxes … as stated at the top of the front page of the Bill.

Taxe Foncière bills which are coming out now are for 2023 and are so Headed.

Ah thanks for that…! Bit of a surprise in that I had a demand for €853 when (because I was 71 on January 1st and income level) I expected to be exempt! Seems this charge is for refuse payments!! Wish I had known at the start of the year that would still be payable - not seen that anywhere - as I haven’t budgeted for it, so a big hole…

Why were you expecting to be exempt?

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Read this carefully!


That’s a lot of rubbish… are you sure it’s correct ??

It’ll be the impôts fonciers plus rubbish pickup - you’re not exempt until you’re 75 and even then only under certain circumstances.

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This was what I thought hence asking the question above, but this isn’t something I know anything about so didn’t want to potentially give out incorrect info.

I just read it in the service public article I linked to. :wink:

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Yes you have to apply in person via a special exoneration form. They ask a lot of personal questions including what you own and even the value of your car if you have one. I could have been exonerated back in 2012 due to the loss in income after OH died and being on the RSA but the questions upset me as they were very intrusive and for a payment of back then, less than €250 inc refuse, I decided that I would pay it each year and did so. You do not get automatically exonerated and 75 is the age from when it applies if you are not getting benefits etc.

Tell @Gprit!! By the time I’m 75 I expect there won’t be any exoneration at all, anything can happen over 15+ years.

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Who told you to expect being exempt??? I can understand a Bill being a shock if you think it’s not arriving… and it does !! aaaargh.

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First of all a mistype in my post(!) I was 75 when January 1 came around, so age and income exonerates. Seems the charge for rubbish is calculated on size of house and other factors rather than number of occupants…(two adults two children aged 10 and 4…).

Oh well, talk to them. Are your children aged 10 and 4? Were you at the Mercedes garage in Bergerac last week?
If it wasn’t you, what a coincidence, I met someone English-speaking who was also 75 and had tiny children.

As you’ve hit 75 and presumably with income at the qualifying level for the family unit… it’s happened automatically… no Taxe Foncière to pay…

but it states quite clearly that you will still be liable for the “rubbish etc”… ordures ménagères

Obviously, you’ve been paying your Taxe Foncière bill for several years without actually knowing/understanding how the figures were arrived at… :wink:

and, 'tis only in recent times that some areas have moved to a different method of billing for “dustbins”… linked to the numbers making up the household… supposedly fairer to one and all… but actually causing much dissention and upset.

If your income is seriously low, there are financial aids available. Perhaps a chat with your Assistante Sociale might help.

Best of luck.