Taxe Foncière/value for your property

Thanks for the info Peter…obviously a lot depends on your medecin traitant I guess. We get full refunds with hours but that is because they are ALD or life long problems. Good to see that you are still contributing to SFN and as you say age has nothing to do with it. Good Health.

LOL - I think you’d have to add on Taxes Foncières for a real comparison @Capricorn99

Yes my 2 taxes together come to half my U.K. Council tax :+1:

Wow lucky you :ok_hand:

Not exactly! It all depends on the mutuelle, not whether the medication is fully or partially or non refundable by the secu. Our mutuelle fully refunds almost everything either in total or at a high percentage and we also have an allowance of 150e per person per year for non-refundable medication, prescription skin care etc.
Hope this clarifies!

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Wow… that is an excellent Top-Up Mutuelle then Cat…:hugs:… each policy is finely tuned so I possibly gain in different fields… :thinking::hugs: thankfully my MT rarely gives me stuff that is NOT touched by SS+M…:wink:

in actual fact… it is worth checking ones Contract details… which outline what is actually covered…

I’ve just discoverd my Mutuelle covers some “extras”, which I had not noticed before… yippee… (thank you Fabien)

Yes - except I do currently pay both :grinning:

Not with you - what do you mean Caroline ? If you’re comparing costs to UK council tax then you need to add Taxes Foncières and Taxes Habitation together.

No I meant I split my time between both countries at the moment so have to pay for both properties.
Just arrived last night - weather in Dept 53 this morning grey and foggy but by mid morning had changed to a brillant blue sky, sunshine and 17 degrees. Bliss :grinning: