Tempo or not Tempo

Having spent a few hours today trying to get to grips with our bills, it would appear that being on Tempo has saved us approx 300 euros this last year. Trying to decide if that amount is worth the disruption to our lives. e.g not using the oven, power tools, or the washing machine (not safe to leave it running overnight due to it’s age) radiators off, hoovering off etc etc. Due to the snow we are not able to work outside much, or go to the sales so we need some heating in our small office. I am sure that others have been able to make greater savings but I don’t think we can any better at the moment. Is it worth it? What do others think?

I think only you can answer that to be honest! Our monthly DD dropped by 30e and we also got a 280e refund. I have a gas hob, our heating is wood, one that we can also cook on, and I have no issues running my dishwasher, washing machine ect overnight so for me it is win win.

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Difficult to know as only been on Tempo since we moved to the new house early March last year, but I’d imagine we’re probably spending at least €25 less/month. Red days we just dont use the big oven. Appliances (dishwasher, tumble dryer and washing machine) always go on HC.

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For most people living here full time it probably is.

We’ve been on it for over a year now & despite using more power (more kWh) our bills are less (& the cost per kWh went up twice in the same period too).

It’s no biggy to not Hoover, & power tools are usually a very brief usage, so the extra kWh cost is barely going to register.

Remember that of the six Tempo rates it’s only the 22 x 18 hour red daytime periods that are more expensive than the equivalent on other tarifs.

I run some electric heating prior to 06.00 that is then shut off during the costly time (the pellet burner is our daytime friend), & washers (dish & clothes) run on Heures Creuses.

We’d never do large amounts of cooking on a red day but we don’t avoid it either. Using a microwave & air fryer helps keeps thing low.

If you have summertime uses that consume lots of power then very low blue days & nights are great. Anyone running a swimming pool or charging an EV will attest to that.

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This is all double Dutch to me. We are on Tarif Bleu and our average monthly bill this last year has been €93.
We are all electric for heating (2 air to airs which double as required as A/Cs in summer), water and cooking.
Apart from the water heater nothing is switched on during the night and, although Christelle the aide, hoovers 3 rooms once a week, that is hardly needed as it is mainly dog hairs which can be swepped up with a broom when needed. I don’t understand why Jules sheds his fur in winter though. :roll_eyes:

We are very happy with this state of affairs but would be interested in others’ net annual outlay.

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I’m shedding hair all year round now as well :older_man::sob:

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So am I come to think of it. :roll_eyes:

Pleased to have feedback from other Tempo users. I think it must be the heavy snowfall that has made me feel negative. Not being able to potter about outside or drive to the shops and do the things that would normally keep me warm. Like hoovering, ironing and cooking something to go in the oven. We were ok last year with it and enjoyed the challenge of planning ahead and so on. Plus we were pleased to do our bit in making savings to avoid “coupures” So I imagine we will stick with it. 300 euros not bad, might get us a new washing machine that can use Creuse. Thanks everyone.

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I think that where Tempo comes into it’s own.

If you’re powering gites with electric ovens, diswashers, washing machines, microwave ovens and a pool pump that runs during peak hours 7 days a week for 6 months a year, the savings on Blue and White days more than make up for the inconvenience of 22 Red days.

Obviously, having a gas range, gas CH and wood burners means we can get by with using next to no electricity if we have to.

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In our first full year of Tempo we increased our annual kWh usage by 37% due to having an EV and my wife baking bread every other day, yet our annual cost only increased by 30-40€. Entirely down to Tempo and careful use of non red day charges…

We are definitely ‘believers’ in Tempo…


Is there an easy way to determine what’s the best plan to be on?

Good question. I’m sure Badger will know the answer.

There doesn’t seem to be any way to export the data (not that I’ve seen anyway) into a spreadsheet

Yes there is. If you visit your espace client via the proper webpage (i.e. not on a 'phone or tablet) & go to the readings page you’ll find a place to download a ZIP archive which turns into a folder with two .CSV files - one for maximum power per day & one for daily readings.

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Ok thanks @Badger . I only ever use my tablet, and I’m not really that bothered but wondered in anyone else was.

I did a Blue/Tempo tariff comparison using data extracted from the Gizmo connected to my solar panels. It stores data for grid consumption and export as well as solar production. Put it all in a spreadsheet for 2021 data and then put in the data for White/Blue/Red days to see if Tempo would have saved us money. Doing nothing different on Red days, as I was in fact on the EDF normal non HC/HP tariff, I would have saved around €90 per year on Tempo. I expect that minimising electricity on Red days may have saved a lot more.

Here is a web site with which to calculate the costs with the three different “tarif bleue” of EDF.


As input you give the .CSV file with hourly consumption that can be downloaded from Enedis. Prerequisite is to have the Linky meter, and to have defined that hourly consumption is recorded. Of course, ideal is to have the full year, with all the different seasons.

Here are my results for the year 2023:

Note that we were absent three weeks in April and in September.

We have Tempo since October 2022, and an EV since end of June 2023. Clearly, Tempo is the best option for us.


Thanks, @Badger and @Krister. I shall take a look into this some time this weekend :nerd_face:

Like you, I looked at it initially and found the whole thing confusing. My perception is you have to constantly check and plan ahead your electricity usage. Other than the hot water heater which works on heures creuses and the dishwasher and washing machine that are similarly used , we use the oven at mealtimes and have a wood burner for heating . How can you vary your electricity use to suit different rates on different days? Am I being stupid but how can you save money with Tempo? I would willingly switch if I could see a benefit!

Its really not that difficult. Just don’t use high power long use stuff on a red day. Lighting, if mainly LED isnt going to make a major difference. On red days, we dont use the oven (air fryer instead) or OH doesn’t do ironing , Anything that can go on HC does.

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