TEMPO tariff or not TEMPO tariff

No, you can only sign up for minimum of a year. The savings are so good, even in winter, wouldn’t be worth the hassle!

I just had around €250 refunded!

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Refunded? Why refunded? You mean just because you’ve consumed less than the accumulation of your monthly payments ?
At a rough guess, if you use electricity at a normal rate through out the year, would you estimate to be at an advantage with Tempo or only if either you are absent on red days or you seriously restrict consumption on red days?

Just received the mail notification from EDF that the period during which they can apply the 22 red days starts on 1/11 until next 31/3………………as I’m sure others have.

Yep, got that. Historically the red days dont start until mid December…apparently

Continuing on the historical…
The tempo tariffs were first introduced because of nuclear powered stations, unlike other forms of production you can’t just flip a switch to turn them off or down a bit when need is low like during the night. Thus the incentive cheaper electricité for users if used at night and EDF not wasting it.

I first posted this in the daily Tempo thread but deleted it as I didn’t want to sidetrack it.

Anyway, that thread drove me into a spiral of geekdom and I’ve just ordered a module for my Linky which will let me capture the Tempo status (and a whole bunch of other data) and exploit it in Home Assistant. Currently, I can monitor the temperatures in the house and control the heating but I’m hoping that I can set up some automation based on the Tempo status.

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Do you mean Linky ? What module are you using ?

I’ve just subscribed to EDF Info Watt, which is free.


They send you a little unit that plugs into your Linky and talks to your Wifi router. A phone/tablet app can then be used to monitor usage in real time, and other things presumably. I only signed up a couple of days ago, so still haven’t got the unit.

Edit: I looked into this a few years ago, because I knew there was a dedicated interface in the Linky for this sort of thing, but didn’t take in any further. There are open libraries that you can use to create your own apps to use the data from the Linky and I believe there are some really good Open Source apps you can use.

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Yes, now fixed, thanks.

I went for this as it has ZigBee connectivity and has Home Assistant integration. I might have been too hasty if yours is free but ho hum.

Edited to add: I don’t see that available via Soregies in La Vienne but I might not be looking hard enough.

The one I linked to is for EDF only unfortunately. Others may do similar but I don’t know.

If you’re using the Soregies website you’ll find it in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.’

I’ve found that going into a Soregies office is generally more fruitful. Their intranet is far more extensive (and user friendly) than their website. Seemingly impossible questions are often answered in seconds…


We also ordered this. It had a warning NOT to use if you have tour hot water heater on the HC/HP fuse thing. Really??? I’m sure everyone has this but if there was ever a fire ect I’m sure they would say ‘we told you not to use it’. :roll_eyes: Needless to say we have not plugged it in!!! @Badger what are your thoughts on this?

Electrically (i.e. “fire”) I see no reason why that’s an issue, but in terms of data it might be different. I’m not yet familiar with InfoWatt so can’t really comment.

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I suspect @Badger is correct. I assume the HC/HP water heater controller is switched using data from the Linky and the wireless unit may have the potential to corrupt tne data. Not very good design if that’s the case.

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What’s the range? Our Linky is a long way away from the house.

Sorry, didn’t even look at that as ours is inside.

Ours is outside about 10m from the house, but I can get a stable wifi signal on my phone there, so I’m hoping the EDF unit works. For Zigbee 3.0, the range would be more than wifi I think, but it does use the same 2.4GHz band and can be affected by other 2.4GHz signals. At the end of the day, there are too many variables to be able to say with any accuracy, so it’ll be suck it and see.

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