That political discussion with occasional humour thread

Since she’s back in the news with her US far right comeback tour.


Did anyone watch The last leg ?


Possibly a little obscure if you didn’t hide behind the settee when you were a child.


A population of 300 million or thereabouts. The most powerful nation by far on planet earth and they’re to be presented with those two articles as contenders for the leadership. God forbid that such a fate should ever befall the UK.

The UK’s going down the same route of extreme polarisation through mainstream media and little individual political awareness, the sole difference is that the UK doesn’t have a significantly influential fundamentalist evangelical Christian version of the Taliban.


But there was a good reason, apart from wanting his divorce, that Henry VIII left Rome.
Religious interference on a grand scale.

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It also issued in an era of iconoclasm and archectural destruction. And of course ever-increasing reliance of the NT as an authority, which is today has become the basis of US Christian nationalism

I see the Christian right in the USA as closer to Judaism and the OT.
Trump and his followers simply do not understand the simple life message of Christ.

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I’m often puzzled by the “Christian Right” - I’m not even sure it is possible to be both politically right wing and also adhere to the teachings of Christ, unless I missed the chapter and verse in the Bible where Christ admonishes his followers to be against charity, kick the weak when they are down, and make sure they line their own pockets whenever possible.


I suppose it partly depends on what “Right” means: capitalism or conservatism. Is “Left” socialism or communism?

America’s problem is that their politics infects their faith, rather than their faith healing their politics.


That is an excellent summary. We filter everything through our world view, and whether that’s feminism, atheism or Trumpism, it will cause us to shape our understanding of the world into that image.

And this is a very good point in the context of the above - religious authority WAS political power.

We like to think that religion and politics have been separated in the modern world, but I’m quite convinced they are still the same thing. Trump has apparently understood this, if not consciously then by instinct. I was reading an article in the NYT (possibly linked from here) that evangelicalism in America is no longer linked to a Christian faith, but rather republican politics - politics has become faith again.


Just tell them Jesus wasnt white, that should do it :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


He was Israeli, so that won’t work.


Either way, he was a Semite.

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This isn’t going to end badly at all…

Warning: Contains some swearing

Certainly no more dangerous than the other 8 or so that have them already.
Have I missed any? Iran. :thinking:

Iran doesn’t have nukes as their nuclear R&D engineers and/or research facilities keep mysteriously exploding.

All this nuclear war talk is taking me back to the last century, but the music’s not as good this time round…