The case for Breturn

Yes - I’ve always been struck by this irony. There was the ‘lexit’ argument that the EU was too neo-liberal, ignoring he fact that it was the UK that most strongly advocated the neo-liberal diection - but even more striking the fact that the brexit leaders were mainly on the Thatcherite wing of the Tory party - and Thatcher had been the most vocal advocate of both the single market and enlargement of the EU to the east, when countries like France urged caution, and put in place sensible measures to mitigate the predictable migration issues that ensued.

It’s all, I’m afraid, of piece with what is evidenced in the ‘How good a job has Bojo and his team done so far’ thread - not just bad politics, but real incompetence.

Brilliant presentation.

Don’t you Remoaners ever give up - not after Failing in the referendum, Failing in the European elections, and Mega Failing in the last General Election.

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No I certainly won’t stand by whilst the country destroys itself.


Hello Keith and welcome to SF, what an interesting first contribution, guaranteed to spread peace and harmony as well as win you friends. What is your link to France?


I’m with Mat on this one - at the moment there is basically no way you can persuade me that leaving the EU is a sensible thing to do, and I will continue to say so - free speech and all that (which seems to be something Brexiteers wish to suppress).

Oh, and the term “Remoaner” is offensive, please edit your post to “Remainer”.


Let him keep “remoaner”, then we can use brexshitter😂


Keith doesn’t sound like he has any links with France
He’s maybe bored ; or has just over indulged now the pubs are open again


Oh, so tempting - but if we are going to fling disparaging terms around the quality of debate quickly goes downhill.


I can always be persuaded with a suitably convincing argument, unfortunately 4 years on I have yet to hear one - and no “you lost get over it” isn’t very convincing.


Hi Véronique,
Firstly, I certainly try to spread peace and harmony and win friends;
secondly, it was the OP who is trying to stir up an argument, I merely replied stating some facts;
thirdly, I thought the subject of Brexit was firmly closed;
fourthly, I live in Gers 32 France.

Ditto, I quite like “You won, own it” though.

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Nice start Keith,
But, by the very nature of this forum, most of your readers feel that they have been abandoned to an uncertain future by their country of birth, without even having an opportunity to take part in the referendum that brought that about.
The responses so far seem to me to be remarkably restrained.


You will find Keith that the majority of people here voted remain and calling us “remoaners” won’t be well received. Bizarre choice for an opening post.


What majority ?? your circle of friends ??
Again - - I didn’t start the post !!!
I know many here (Gers 32) rather more than half the people I know, (a typical majority) who are just as strongly Brexiteers.
But this subject should have been closed months ago - - END.

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Hi Keith

Please let me know how Brexit will improve your daily life. I would like something to look forward to on this subject.


Hello Keith and Welcome to the Forum.

I hope there are other threads more to your liking…

Of course, you may wish to start a separate thread, yourself… if you have some experience/hobby/whatever which might interest or help other folk.


In which case you did not need to be offensive about it.

Anyway - yes, the referendum went to “Leave”, how do you feel about the fact that the Leave campaign only won by lying to you - lets start with something simple like Johnson’s claim that no-one was talking about leaving the single market, or that we’d be able to strike a great deal, Gove’s claim that we held all the cards - or any of it, frankly. Apart from closing the borders I struggle to think of a single claim made by the Brexiteers that looks like it will actually be delivered as part of Brexit.

In fact we (Remain) didn’t lose the EU elections - more votes went to Remain leaning parties as a block but Farage and his cronies swept up pretty much all the Brexit leaning votes leaving them the largest single party, the Tories basically got decimated so I don’t think that is the victory that you claim at all.

Finally the GE - well, that was much more about how much people disliked Jeremy Corbyn, not how much they wanted to Leave the EU

I suppose 1 out of 3 is, well, not very good, actually :slight_smile:


Here means on this forum. The place you have chosen to post unpleasant comments about people who voted to remain.
You obviously prefer to mix with like-minded individuals so I doubt you will enjoy it much here. Here means on this forum for the avoidance of doubt.


I expect, Keith, you’re familiar with the sayings:

“It ain’t over 'til it’s over”
“Ain’ t over 'til the fat lady sings”
“The one who laughs last, laughs loudest”
“There’ s many a slip twixt cup and lip”.
“Don’t jeer at folk you pass on the way up, you may meet them on your way down”.
"Don’t say we didn’t give your fair warning’.
“Don’t count your chickens…”.
“Look before you leap”
“Beware the pig in the poke”.

All very apt for your consideration, I’d suggest.

We’re out and we know it. Those of us settled in France feel protected, but have concern for those over the water. They are oblivious of what the effects of Brexit will be, because they’re still under local anaesthetic, at least the lucky ones are. They’ll wake up in early 2021 when the anaesthetic wears off. And the stocks of analgesia have run out. Do you know how to make a kaolin poultice?

If you’re a Boris fan you must realise you’re in a dwindling minority, but I expect you think the polls are a Trotskyite plot, tell me if I’m wrong.

Otherwise, and in every kind of positive à d hospitable Survive France spirit, welcome aboard and keep you’re pecker up, we like a bit of healthy discussion. :hugs::smiley: