The Fly is loose in France

Pretty brutal attack who is this person.

A dead man walking. The entire DGSI, including cleaners and canteen staff is out looking for him and those that freed him.

Any known family, friends or acquaintances in France are having their doors kicked in and premises searched as I type this.


It was a bold and ruthless attack. I’m not surprised no-one intervened.

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I was surprised by the coverage on TV that the van was blocked so easily at a toll booth and that the van driver was not a little more aggressive to evade the attack

And if it were you driving the van?

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if you look at the last video on the link by @Corona … the police van comes carefully through the toll itself and is immediately rammed by a vehicle driving into it head-on… no room for manoeuvre/evasion that I could see…


Unarmed civilians against masked gun men?

I think you misread my post!

I’d say probably on his way back to Marseilles, then North Africa. Keeping the gate closed today :eyes:

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so sad…