The Great Outdoors

I have suddenly become aware of a lot of twittering at night. Until recently I would only hear the occasional hoot or foxes, maybe some russtleing in the undergrowth.
Any ideas

There’s something new to marvel at every day in Springtime, nature never stops and this morning I heard the Hoopoo!


Planted these ryzones a couple of years back and they didn’t seem to take but now sprung into life…

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Hi Lily,

Someone else may have replied to your question, but I wanted to just mention that I think wisteria is pretty forgiving about when is a good time to take a cutting. I did a quick bit of research on the internet and found this, at a site called Gardening Know-How: “Wisteria cuttings root best if taken in late spring or early summer.”

I think it may also depend on when your wisteria blooms. I understand that it will probably stress the plant out the least, if you take cuttings after the plant has finished blooming.

Hope this is helpful. Good luck.


Hi Mary… that sounds great. there are many wisteria plants around us and I would love to take cuttings for our little patch.

Locally, wisteria gets trimmed after flowering and we see it reflower 4 times in a year… glorious flowers and glorious scent… especially the white one…:slight_smile:

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Thank you Mary :hugs:

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I’m slightly in the mountains so we get our fair share of rain!

Sadly it’s too high, steep and slippery to climb - also the water is very cold!

Anyone know the answer to this question? I could email the Mairie but when I pop in to ask a question of the two ladies on the desk they roll their eyes up, as if to say “Here we go again, it’s that nutty old English geezer with another daffy question, don’cha just love 'em hihihihi… .” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway it’s shut to the public. :roll_eyes::clipperton_island:

My garden is 15 shuffling paces from our front door, on the other side of the D99. You can see (below) the house from the garden gate, and vice-versa. The garden is pretty big. The in-garden shot shows less than 1/3 of it.

My question is, do I have to complete an Attestation DD to visit it?

Apparantly some Préfectures insist on one, and only permit one visit per day for either planting or harvesting vegetables. No sunbathing or wool-gathering activities sanctioned. It’s crazy, and although I can’t see how it could be legally justified, I don’t want the hassle.

There aren’t any homesteads locally in a similar situation, but there have been rumours of an old chap who kept chickens on a plot across a road from his house, and was pounced on by the gendarmerie and fined for not carrying an attestation when he went to tend them.:thinking::cry:

Peter, I carry an Attestion every time we set foot off of our premises. Having said that, I use the same one through out the day… (changing the time)… everything is only a few yards away, in different directions … bins/compost heap/garden (to hang laundry)/mairie … EDIT: I go out rarely…and swiftly

However, some neighbours do not carry anything within the village - only when/if they go out in their car. Frankly, we hardly see a soul at the moment, but folk are definitely going to their “divorced” gardens as we hear mowers/strimmers…

If your garden is only 15 shuffling paces… I really cannot see any problem… have an Attestation in your pocket… identifying who you are and where you live (15 shuffling paces over there… )

If you are coming and going… crossing the road, over and over again, throughout the day… then you might well attract comment and investigation… but, other than that… I can’t see a problem.



Ok, Private Goble.
From our Intelligence sources: War time confinement doctrine in Normandy hasn’t changed much since D day, as we know their tactics we can undermine them using 1944 strategy…

  1. Papers must be in tip top order signed, dated & hour departure filled in appropriately!
  2. Don’t forget which pocket you put the numerous papers & hours of departure, bit of a wheeze really old boy, just fill out as many copies as needed & change the hours of departure to your convenience.
  3. i.e Attestation N° 1 left the house @ 10.00hrs N° 2 left the house @ 11.00hrs etc etc.
  4. Old papers cost lives, best fed to the chickens or pigs if you have them, they have proven to eat evidence faster than a monkey can climb trees.
    TTFN & Good luck.

Whizzo, old chap! That’s the language I understand, takes me back a bit, I can tell you! Did you ever come across Sniffer Ellis, I wonder ? Colour Sergeant in the East African Rifles? Absolute bonzer, you’d remember him if you ever smelled his…well, least said soonest mended!

TTFN and Toodle-doo, and don’t let one off 'til you see the whites of their eyes!


Just wondering if we will see any dates on it this year…

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very tasty with a good garlic sauce… :yum: :joy:

nah HP barbecue much nicer.

That looks like a trachycarpus rather than a date palm :grinning: it will bear fruit if it has a partner of the opposite sex, but they aren’t dates.