The Michelle Moan (sic) scandal is worse than I thought

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Even the shameless Tory party would be embarrassed if it realised its increasing resemblance to the ANC.

The dubiety and subterfuge in which MM finds herself immersed predates by a couple of decades the Medpro scandal. A legal team and political connections have, until now, protected her well.
I’ve got my popcorn ready for when the walls come tumbling down.

Westminster needs throwing into a wood chipper.


Think Michelle will be having a Moan - just hope they make an example of her and her husband after all the ruthless greed and blatant lying. Beggars belief!


Mr Mone went on trial in Spain today over an alleged 5m€ fraud. We shouldn’t prejudge these things nevertheless I won’t be wishing him well.


The rotten Tory government does, but there are plenty of honest, hardworking MPs on all sides. Mostly on the back benches though. Go figure.

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The last person to enter tha Houses of Parliament with good intent was Guido Fawkes.